BodyGuard!Bakugo X PopStar!Reader || Lost And Found

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Information:There has been recent attacks on singers and other performers that are well known

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There has been recent attacks on singers and other
performers that are well known.

And you just happen to a 4 time Grammy ward winner;
worried there is a chance you could get attack,
you get your manager to hire a personal bodyguard.

This where you meet the most hot-headed,
controlling man you have ever met.
How will you handle it?

Warning! may contain mature language!

~3RD P.O.V~

You continued to stare at the blonde brute in front of you,
unable to comprehended what he had just asked you.

"Excuse me?"
You question unsure whether to be offended or not.

"Are you fucking deaf?
I said are you in a sexual relationship with anyone?"
He said crossing his arms and glaring down at you.

"Why do you need to know that?!
I don't even know your name yet!"
You squeak out
in embarrassment,
   heat rushing to your cheeks .

There happy? now answer my question"
He replies bluntly.

"N-No I am not; why would need to know that?"
You say stumbling on your words.

"Because I don't want to be dealing with all your little
fuck buddies"
He smirked leaning down to your height.

"I'll have you know I've neve-
you know what I don't have to
justify myself to you"
You said pushing him away from you and
go to your phone trying to find your mangers contact.

"(Manger), I deman-
You shout at Bakugo;
trying to reach your phone which he had grabbed out of your hand.

"Don't worry, everything is fine-
she just over reacting-
yeah don't worry-
His smirk grew knowing he had won.

"Looks like I'm staying"
He left the room
leaving you gob smacked.


It has almost been a month since your manager had hired Bakugo 
and since then four more people have been attacked.
Scary, right?

You had just finished one of your longest performs yet
and you were so tired.

At the moment you were just sat back stage,
until you caught one of the dancer staring at you.

He's really cute..
You thought to your self,
looking away knowing you were blushing.

"Oi, puppy, whatcha all red for?"
You glare at Bakugo,
sniggering at your
red face.

"It's none of your business
and I thought I told you not to call me that"
You whined at the horrid nickname he had given you,
but it was true,
he practically had you on a leash at all times.

"Stop your whining,
whatcha gonna do about it anyways?"
He laughed menacingly knowing there's nothing you could do.

Pouting you made your way back to your dressing but
not before taking a little
peek at the really cute dancer.

As you entered your someone arms wrapped around you from behind;
and suddenly everything
goes black.


Your eyes flung open at the sudden cold force applied
which turned out to be water.
You look up to see who it was but
your vision was blurred slightly from just waking up.

"What do you want from me?"
You croaked,
your throat sore and dry.

"And so she speaks! Your even prettier in real person;
I'm gonna have a lot of fun with you"
The man cackles ignoring your question.

Fear and tears filled your eyes,
at his sinister word sobs wracked from you
as the man stood there and watch you laughing.

After a while you ran out of tears, washing away any hope you had left.
As you slowly fell out of reality you whispered.

"Please save me Katsuki.."



You were startled awake by a loud noise from outside
the bland room you were locked up in.

Heart racing you move towards the door;
you started to bang on the door for someone to open it,
hope seeping into you.
You stumble back at the sound of the door being unlocked.

The door slowly open to reveal a Katsuki Bakugo;
and never had you been so happy to see him.

Happiness bubbled up in you as well as tears;
spreading your arms you ran and jumped up to the tall male wrapping your arms around his neck.
You felt him sigh in relief and then wrap his arms around your waist.

"You found me"
You whispered into the hug.

"I'll always find you.."

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