Cheater!Katsuki x Reader x Shoto || Numb

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You love him.
And he loves you.
Well that's at least what you told
your self.

It hurts so much watching as he played and
pretended to be with you.
But love is supposed to
hurt right?

This feeling is suffocating you but
as along as he is happy
so are you so
you put up with it because
you love him.
And he loves you.

P.S this is a no quirk au and
there will be suicidal themes!

~Third person P.O.V~

Your eyes flung open tiredly at the sound
of your alarm.
Your eyes tiredly scan the time,

Quickly you get up and
run down stairs into your kitchen
to make your boyfriend's lunch,
katsuki's lunch.

You did this every morning
even if you were tired but you do it anyways cause
you love him.

Even though he packs his own lunch,
one time he forgot his and
ate mine instead and
said it's wasnt actual sh*tty like he expected,
so from that day on i make him lunch
just encase.

At least it doesn't go to waste
because in the end Katsuki doesn't eat it so
i end up giving it to Shoto.

Shoto has been my best friend well since as along as i can remeber,
and I'm glad he's always by my side.


You slowly opened the door to the roof
which is wear you would usually
find Katsuki.
You felt your heart shatter into pieces,
tears jerking down your cheeks.

How could he?
When you gave him everything you had..
What more could he want?
'Am I not pretty enough?
smart enough?
Strong enough?
Or is it just the fact that I'm not her..'

Slowly you let the door close in your face;
they didn't even notice you..

After a while of staring at the door
you wipe your tears and
escape the scene.

You slowly walk down
the corridors to your homeroom.

"Hey (Reader) you okay?
It looks like you've been crying.."
Kirishima asked in a
concerned tone.

"Yeah I just really badly
stubbed my toe"
You laugh and give him
a bright smile.

Seeming to buy your lies he chuckles as well and
waves you good bye walking past you.

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