Creepypasta Picture Spell-

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This spell is to summon any Creepypasta you want from having a picture of them. Through this you can meet them, talk to them, make deals, or contracts, etc. You and others could witness and talk to any of the Creepypasta people. Keep in mind when doing this spell they like to hide, so you will hear them whispering and make noises out of nowhere. To make them come out and revile themselves to you you must make them fell comfortable, try having a normal conversation with them. This spell is not dangerous, it is even explained well in the chant, it clearly says "I command thee to meet me, THOU SHALT NOT BE UPHEAVAL..." in others words it means " I command you to talk to me, and do not cause violence or harm!..." in the blank space in the chant, say the form of picture you are using in the spell, for example:" I summon all of thee in this (picture) all of dead nor alive, all of creepy and evil..." 5

What you'll need:

Drawing/(Digital) Picture/etc. [It can have one or more pictures, with multiple

or less Creepypasta characters on it.]

Your own voice (including whoever is with you.)

Step 1:

Hold the picture in your hand(s) and chant:

"I summon all of thee in this______

[if you don't want a certain character(s) just say "but ..." After you you say what ever you chose for the picture.]

All of dead nor alive, all of creepy and evil

I command thee to meet me,

Thou Shalt not be upheaval

I would like to talk to you

[If you would like them to show up a special way say it between these two lines.]

As I say, so shall it be." 7

When you want them to go away, when you are done chant:

"As I would like you to stay,

You have to go away."

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