ticci toby invocation:

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(Hey everyone im back once again with a creepy ritual. And today is going to be a ticci toby invocation. Which I have not tested but people have said they would here things outside there house that was not the ordinary. Or they would fill watched but no one would be there. But please enjoy!!)

Things you will need:
            -pencil/ink pen
            -piece of paper

Step 1:
Get the piece of paper out and write "toby erin rogers" and fold it
Soon after light your candle

Step 2:
Stick the piece of paper in the candle flame to catch on fire.
Then repeat this in a child like tone until the paper is engolved in flame.
"Ticci toby...ect..."

remember this could be very dangerous if you consider toby as a creepypasta/serial killer. So please be careful.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2018 ⏰

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