Another slenderman summoning-

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This will allow you to contact or summon him, even both, wherever you want and at anytime of day or night. This will take to a matter of a week to work. You will know if it worked by feeling one or more of the following: headaches, light headed, ringing at the ears, vomiting, nightmares or night terrors and even forgetting what you were doing or catching yourself doing something unusual then normal for yourself. This spell will not allow him to hurt or harm you in any form of way as well. 6

What you'll need:


Black Candle

Lighter/Matches 3

Step 1:

Gather all of your materials and use the knife to carve the

Slender-Man symbol (Look at Creepypasta Runes) into the

middle of the candle.

Step 2:

After you are done carving the candle, light it up with the lighter/match and say:

"I call on to thee,

To the one and only

Slender-Man, tall like thy trees.

I want to contact/(and)/summon you.

Please, before thy time will become flew.

By the powers of three times three,

As I will it so shall it be." +

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