9- Competition

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-Avalon's POV-

 "And in third place, Jason Coleman!" Wes exclaimed, Jason waved his hand to everyone as they put the bronze medal over his head.

"And in second place, Mat Carter!" Wes shouted as everyone clapped. They put the silver medal over Mat's head, but he just glared at me.

"And finally, in first place, we have rookie, Avalon Grace!" Wes yelled, I saw Tyler yelling and cheering in the crowd. I went up waving my hands to everyone as they placed the golden medal over my head and around my neck. On the back, it said 'GRACE, AVALON 1ST PLACE'

I smiled at it then the ceremony was over. I switched back into my normal clothes and sneakers. I slipped my phone into my back pocket and tied the sweatshirt around me, but then I heard a voice.


"ENTER MY DOMAINS OF HELL!' I yelled, Jason came in laughing and hugged me, picking me up and twirling me around then put me down.

"Im so happy for you!" Jason exclaimed.

"Thanks Jason!" I said back.

"By the way, I have someone who wants to meet you, come in!" Jason yelled, a person in a pink suit and helmet. They came over to me and took off the helmet and I saw Ashley.

"This is Avalon?" She asked in her British accent.

"That's me," I replied.

"Hi Avalon! Im Ashley, I was just dying to meet you. Im glad Im not the only girl here now," She said.

"Thanks Ashley. Its really cool hearing that from a professional," I replied.

"Don't worry about it.  But here, hers my number. Text me, maybe we can hang out," Ashley said writing her number on a piece of paper and handing it to me. I smiled as her and Jason walked away, and I swear I saw her and Jason hold hands. But anyway, I walked out and ran over to Tyler and Paige as Tyler hugged me.

"Av you were amazing!" Tyler exclaimed.


-One Week Later-

I tied my hair up in a ponytail then took another sip of my water. I was freaking out, I didn't know what to do! I was going to fuck up!

"Av? You good?" Amanda asked coming into my dressing room.

"Not really, Amanda. Im freaking! Im going to screw up," I answered.

"Your not going to screw up, Av. Its Banga Banga by Austin Mahone, you love him! You can do it!" Amanda encouraged. "If anything Im going to screw up."

"Please, Amanda. Abyss is an amazing team," I replied.

"Trust me, your going to be great. Your up next" She said as she left. She ran back to her team and I walked out and went to Paige and Keaton.

"Ready for this?" Keaton asked as Tyler, Cyrus, Elena, Chloe, Winter, and Scotty all joined us.

"And next up, doing Banga Banga by Austin Mahone, Fusion!" They announced as the crowd cheered.

"Let's do it," I said. We all walked out as Cyrus, Scotty, Keaton, and  Tyler all went to the sides. Elena, Winter, Chloe, Paige, and I all took the center.

"Austin Mahone!" The song started, the girls stood still until our quoi. Our part started and we all started to do the same dance. I looked over at the tree judges and two were smiling while the other was observing. The middle one was staring at me, so I smiled at her. She smiled back. After our dance, everyone cheered except for Element. We went backstage and I went to get my drink.

"Hey," Tyler said coming inside my room.

"Hey. You were great out there," I said.

"Thanks. You too," Tyler replied.

"Oh stahp it," I responded making us laugh.

"No joke! Your were amazing!" Tyler exclaimed.

"Thanks, Tyler," I replied.

"By the way, when I was out there, I saw some people watching you," Tyler said.

"Really? Who?" I asked.

"You'll just have to see," Tyler mocked as he left. It killed me to not know who it was.

"Can all groups please attend the stage please? Thank you," The speaker said. I left the dressing room to meet up with the rest of Fusion. As we met up, Element passed us.

"Hey- Tabitha," I said, Element stopped and Tabitha stared at me.

"What?" She snapped.

"Good luck," I said. "You'll need it."

Tabitha grunted as Fusion laughed.

"Yeah? Well when I win, your not aloud to be on Element," Lauran replied.

"Who would wanna?" Tyler laughed as we joined.

"Everyone wants to be on the winners team," Tabitha snapped.

"Hold on, one sec. Let me check my receipt," I said as I pulled out a invisible receipt, "Nope. Definitely didn't purchase any of your bullshit." Everyone on Fusion burst out laughing, and Monica, a girl on Element, giggled. Tabitha scoffed and walked away with the rest of her team. Fusion and I followed as we walked out on stage, standing next to Element. I looked around for the people Tyler was telling me about, but I didn't see anyone I noticed.

"Okay! Welcome teams! As you know, we have six teams standing in front of us today, but only four will be moving to Washington DC!" The speaker, Will, announced as we all cheered.

"In fourth place, Skylark!" Will announced. All the teams and the audience clapped, except for Element who muttered things to each other.

"And in third place, Matrix!" Will exclaimed. Matrix cheered and so did everyone else.

"In second place, Fusion!" Will shouted. We all clapped and hugged as Element laughed at us.

"Second place.. losers," Tabitha muttered.

"And finally.. in first place... Element!" Will said, everyone clapped, but Fusion slowly clapped. I looked around, when I finally noticed who Tyler was talking about.

My family.

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