Journal [7]

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When I found the other gift, I was cuddling with Jacy —the bear— in the living room, watching some comedy movie, cheering myself up. It was the first time in weeks I was out of my own room, relaxing outside and just enjoying myself.
My arms were around Jacy's neck like a snake as I leaned my head on its fluffy ear. When I heard Jace's voice.
... "Happy Birthday, Ashley..."
It sang the song in Jace's voice and I was stunned. When the song was over, I muted the tv and pressed Jacy the bear's head again and this time I listened to Jace's soft, tilting voice intently. I closed my eyes and smiled.
When I opened my eyes and was going to press it for the third time, my hand found a thin silver chain under the folds of its soft shaggy fur. I frowned and followed the chain and unclasped it.
Hidden under its fur was a simple thin necklace, easily concealed. I laughed when I saw the pendant. Memories flood to the surface easily and vividly as it was only yesterday.
Five year old me scowled at Jace. "But I said I wanted a pink one!"
Jace, with the patience of a saint even when he was a kid, looked up at me and barely resisted rolling his eyes. "But I can only find red ones." He said simply, not giving in to my temper.
I stomped my feet and my lips wobbled, on the verge of a tantrum. Before it can escalate, Jace stopped poking the ground with a stick and tugged at my hand. I looked up. "What?"
"I promise I will find a pink ring pop someday, okay? It's just when I went there with one of the nannies, we can only found red ones in the candy aisle." Jace explained seriously.
My ears absorbed the truth and sound reasoning and as always, Jace stopped my tantrum.
"Okay." I nodded.
Jace grinned a toothy smile and picked up the red ring pop from the ground, I clenched it in my fist and didn't eat it for it felt like a waste to eat it. It stayed in my fist until it melted under the sun as we played and at sundown, what's left of it was a sticky mess inside my palm. I cried so hard my parents thought someone died.
Jace promised to buy me another one, this time he'll be sure to find a pink one.
Sure enough, the pendant was a miniature ring pop, with pale pink crystal in the shape of the candy with a silver ring base. There was something crushed flowers or glitter, sparkling inside. Under the metallic ring base of the crystal candy, there was small engraving. I promise, didn't I?
I smiled so hard, my cheeks hurt, it felt like Jace was coming home soon.

Six months later

"Please, Ash? There's no one like you!" He begged.
And I was so very very tempted to use that right hook Jace taught me or better yet slammed his face on my locker door. But I couldn't. As annoying as he was, he was still human.
Part of it anyway.
I guess.
I slammed my locker shut, secretly hoping his head could be stuck between them.
I frowned at the tall brown haired boy in front of me. "Why are you so persistent anyway? I told you, I have someone I like." I said through gritted teeth.
The annoying poop just smirked arrogantly and tutted. "Boyfriend?" He shook his head, laughing sarcastically. "I know you don't have a boyfriend."
"Well, it's still none of your business." I said pointedly, glaring at him with all my might. Hoping he would get the hint and go away. But he wouldn't get it, he never get it.
Ugh, someone save me.
He snorted, leaning a muscled arm on the locker next to me, earning a another glare from me. But he ignored it and continued acting like he was in some sort of lonely lady TV shows.
I shivered in disgust. But of course he took it the wrong way and leaned in closer. "I know you like me. Don't bother to lie and save me the trouble. I know you want me, Ash—"
Oh thad did it. No one can call me Ash, except Jace.
My last control snapped out of the window and I grabbed his shoulder with both of my hands as I pulled my right knee up and slammed it straight to where the sun don't shine with all my might.
"OW!" He wheezed and fell on his knees on the ground. "What was that for?!"
I put my hand on my hip and glowered down at him. It felt so satisfying seeing him cower under someone much smaller. "That is for saying lies. I don't want you. I have someone I want and it's not you. So no thanks." I twirled my fingers at him in a mock wave and skipped away.
Those martial art lessons that I took with Jace proved to be more useful than I thought. I didn't need to protect myself when I have Jace beside me all the time, I always thought it was useless but now I found it rather useful.
I claimed my victory and floated to my next class like I was on air. Ah, victory felt so sweet.
"Miss Davidson, you are five minutes late." The teacher pointed out, looking at me sternly from behind his glasses.
I smiled sheepishly, "Sorry."
His eye twitched at my ignorance but decided to let it go. Good for him, he knew I was usually a good student anyway. Never late. Never got a score under eight percent and never cause problems before.
I was such an angel.
The lesson drowned on and one as I sat quietly on my seat far back in the classroom. So far back that the teacher looked like just a small toothpick.
I watched the clock ticked away like usual. The teacher caught me zoning out I knew, but he didn't say anything about it. He will get a handful if he decided to take care all of the zoning students. Cause there were tons of us.
So I continued in my little space of bubble. The person beside me kept scribbling away in her note, looking extremely focused. And I kind of wished I was that girl, the girl who was focused and stop zoning out and do something productive with her time.
But I was content to go at my own pace and figure it out slowly, be it in life or how to get stronger and better so I can stand by Jace.
I played with the ring pop hanging on my neck and sighed loudly, wishing the clock will sped up and let the bell ring already.
The girl glanced at me briefly, threw me a small sympathetic smile. I was too surprised to give her a reply and I just blinked back, stunned. When I finally smiled back though, she was already bent down on her note again. Writing everything the teacher said like her life depended on it.
This was the reason why I almost don't have any friends. I always get distracted by Jace, even when he wasn't here, he was still in my mind and I have trouble focusing on anything else.
My eyes felt heavy and I felt like my head was going to fall on the table and roll to the ground. My lids were shutting by themselves and my head was bobbing like those dolls in a car's dashboard.
"Miss Davidson!" The teacher shouted.
My eyes opened immediately, staring at the teacher with wide eyes. "Deten—"
The bell rang.
I grinned happily and got out of my seat like everybody else. I scurried from the classroom like it was on fire before the teacher can finish his sentence, giving me detention.
Ain't nobody got time for that.
I quickly put my books on my locker and was relieved when the annoying boy wasn't there to disturb my day. Must have been because of my powerful kick. Maybe I've sent his balls up to his stomach.
I kind of felt bad that I have to resort to violence but he wouldn't catch the hint that I wasn't interested so... Violence it is. I reasoned in my head. I didn't have much patience to begin with.
The weather was cold, it looked like it was going to rain judging by the grey clouds above my head. So I tightened my coat around myself and get in my car and drove home.
The road was kind of slippery but it was in the brink of winter anyway, kind of expecting that.
I was allowed to drive on my own when my mom saw that I was finally doing fine again and could take care of myself without hugging myself with dear life which I did a lot in the first few weeks Jace was gone.
Lately, I felt like I was doing much better. My mom even said that she was proud of me, how strong I've become and we had small barbecue last night to catch up with the rest of the family.
The driveway screeched as I maneuvered inside the garage and cut down the engine. I was engulfed in the dark as the lights died out and with cautioned steps I got out of my car and to the kitchen. Relieved when I was greeted by the familiar yellowy light.
"We have to install some lights into the garage. It's creepy as hell walking through that place in this kind of weather." I grumbled and dropped my school bag on the wooden floor.
My head plopped on the breakfast bar unattractively and I sighed deeply. "Long day?" My mom asked, her voice sounding far away and muffled but it could be my tiredness speaking.
"Yeah." I mumbled tiredly.
She just chuckled and just like that I drifted off to sleep. I was dreaming about Jace and our future cute looking children when my mom shouted and I almost toppled over the high bar stool.
"Where's the rat?!" I squealed readily, holding a wooden spoon in my hand ready to strike.
My mom just laughed, "No rats, I forgot to tell you there's mail for you from Jac-"
Her sentence was cut short and I was already running for the living room to get the letter from Jace and almost tripped on my own foot.
On the table was another letter from Jace. Since the birthday present, I decided to gather up my courage and wrote him a letter. Two days later his first letter from the army came, it was obviously written before he got my letter.
Let's just say the content was too sweet and gut warming that I always had a smile on my face for two weeks straight.
Sometimes he didn't reply to my letters because like he explained it wasn't easy to get the letters sent properly and delivered on time. So I sucked it up like a big girl. It felt too much like we were estranged lovers kept by distance and circumstances in the old 80's from how we were exchanging letters instead phone calls. But the idea to me was pretty romantic.
I, like always, after getting over the initial shock and sadness of Jace leaving, went squealing like a little girl when a letter from him came through the mail.
I was smiling as bright as the sun as I opened it up slowly and softly. I savored every touch as I opened the letter. You may think that I was such a dramatic queen but you would know when you were miles away from the person you love with all of your heart and the only thing that keeps you going is the letters they sent you.
I read the letter slowly as I got cozy in the couch with Jacy, my long time cuddling partner.
Dear Ash,
Let's not beat around the bush. I couldn't wait to tell you this myself and my hand is shaking from excitement.
I'm going home this New Year!
I let out a blood curling scream and jumped up and down the couch like I was on crack. Squealing like a maniac. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! He's coming home! Oh my oh my! I couldn't believe this!"I continued screaming, hoping around in the living room.
My mom came barreling from the kitchen with a concerned look that quickly turned into a smile when she saw me squealing happily.
She asked me what was it but I scanned my eyes once again through the letter. This time reading it until it was finished and my excitement died a little bit inside my chest.
I knew it was too good to be true.
But only for a week, but I'm so lucky I can go home Ash! Some of my friends can't go home because they haven't finished their basic training but I did!
After the week I still have to come back to the base and continue my specialized training and I will finally go into real missions.
I thought I should let you know the things that are going through my life.
But I still get to go home on holiday! So that should put a smile on your face for awhile! Can't wait to see you, Ashy!
See you soon.
I clutched the letter in my hand well into the night, I was content that Jace coming home, even for a short time. I imagined how to spend my time with Jace and have fun, making up for lost time since the last time we parted ways sadly. I fell asleep with the letter clutched to my chest and a smile on my face.

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