Chapter 7: Up

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Chapter 7: Up

The incredulous look on Ellyan, Percival and Gwaine’s faces was priceless.

"Incredible!” said Ellyan.  “I thought Gaius was the sorcerer.”

“We all did,” replied Percival.

Gwaine sounded more enthusiastic. “It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” he said, glancing fondly at the young warlock.

Merlin was only waiting to hear Arthur’s reaction, but the prince was speechless and his expression was unreadable.

“I’m afraid I knew,” said Lancelot softly and all of the knights looked at him in shock.  “I took the credit for destroying the Cup of Life but that was only because there was a debt of honor to be paid.  Merlin saved my life.  You all owe him more than you know.”

Merlin tried hard to swallow but his throat was blocked and his mouth was dry.  He had pictured this moment hundreds of times in his mind, but never like this, not with Arthur looking at him with such cold eyes.

“Now is not the time, Lancelot,” said Gaius.  “We’re all going to die of cold if we don’t get out of this water.”

Lancelot pressed a comforting hand on Merlin’s shoulder.  “Can you make it float higher?”

Merlin turned his hand upwards and allowed the ball of blue light to rise above their heads.  They could see the roots sticking out of the mud more clearly but the prospect wasn’t very good; the walls looked slippery and wet and the roots were all too small.  All of the knights were staring upwards, but Merlin was only concentrating on avoiding Arthur’s glare.

“You did the right thing,” whispered Gaius.

“Well, it’s no use,” said Ellyan, his eyes still turned upwards.  “There is no way that we can climb that.”

Only Gwaine seemed amused by the situation.  He kept smiling in Merlin’s direction.  “Never mind climbing; we have a sorcerer and a Brittanicus with us,” he mused.  “I’m guessing a Dragonlord as well?”

Merlin was as much in shock as the others this time.  “How did you…?”

But Arthur cut him off with a surprised yell.  “Dragonlord?”

Merlin’s heart sank.  There was so much anger in Arthur’s voice.  He was waiting for the prince to pass judgment.  The young sorcerer tried to remain hopeful, but in his head he kept hearing the same words over and over: Magic is altogether evil.  Was this really Arthur’s opinion of him now?    

At last, Prince Arthur spoke.  His voice was harsh and his glare even more so.  “I’m going to kill you.”

“Sire!” burst out Gaius, outraged.

“I trusted you!” yelled the prince.

Merlin felt anger boiling inside of him as well.  “Does having magic make me untrustworthy?  Is that what you think?  You think it makes me a murderer and a villain.  Do you think I’m a monster too?”

“Merlin, this isn’t helping…” murmured Gaius pleadingly.

“It makes you a traitor!” screamed Arthur.

“I’ve done nothing but protect you ever since I’ve been here.  I would give my life for you without a moment’s thought.  How do you think it makes me feel to know that you would have put my head on a block on my first day in Camelot if you had known I had magic?”

Arthur was fuming.  “Of course I would have, but only because you were an idiot!”

Merlin snorted loudly.  “An idiot who saved your life more often than I’d care to say.”

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