Chapter 5: Trapped

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Chapter 5: Trapped

As soon as his feet found the ground, he heard Morgause’s voice again.

Sister, it is almost time.  Be ready.  They are coming.

Merlin opened his eyes; Gwaine was staring at him.  The knight’s face was half-concealed in the darkness but the young warlock could see his worry.

“Come on, Merlin.  We made it this far…” he whispered.

We shouldn’t have waited for darkness, thought Merlin instantly.

“They’re here,” said Merlin, his voice hoarse, his face tense.

“We don’t know that for sure.”

“I do,” he replied.  “Morgause is here.”

“How do you know?”

But Gwaine stopped short at the sound of clanging swords to their right.  Merlin wheeled around; he had heard it as well.

“Gaius…” he whispered.

“Wait, Merlin!”

The young warlock was already running towards the ringing noise.  It was utterly black around him and he even thought of conjuring a small flame to guide him, but that would give away his position.  Instead, he brought his sword up in front of him, waiting for the assailants that were certain to come.

Gwaine came up to him in a flash.  They could hear the sound of branches and leaves cracking under many sets of feet.  However, the first figure that crashed into them was a familiar one.

“Ellyan!” said Gwaine in surprise.

Percival was walking towards them as well; the sleeve of his shirt was thorn and there were traces of blood.  The tall knight was standing protectively over Gaius.  The old man looked petrified but at least he was able to stand on his own.  Almost.

“Not this way!” murmured Percival.  “They’re on our tails.  We’re trying the other way.”

Merlin went to Gaius’s side and the old physician took hold of his shoulder; he was breathing heavily.

“I’ve got him,” said Merlin to the knight.  

Percival seemed glad to be able to move at ease.  He pulled out a dagger from under his chain mail; he was ready for a fight.

Gwaine was leading them back towards where he and Merlin had landed when suddenly, they heard more clanging sounds.

“Arthur…,” whispered Merlin.

They sped up, slashing through branches as they made their way, but then Gaius tripped and fell on his knees.  He was panting and clutching his torso.  Merlin glanced up at the others as he lay besides his old mentor.  He only had a few seconds to act.

Pressing his hand on Gaius’s chest, he said “Gestathole!” and immediately he felt the healing power surge through him.  He knew that his eyes had flashed gold.

“Better?” he asked in a low voice.

“You’re amazing, I hope you know that,” said the old man.

Gaius struggled to his feet, but at least his face had regained some color.  Merlin followed him in the darkness.  His hair was so white that it was almost a light.

Gwaine, Percival and Ellyan were either too far ahead or it was too dark but Merlin could no longer see them.  Nervousness and fear grew in his stomach.  He pushed hard against the branches; his right hand never leaving Gaius’s shoulder.  The sound of clanging swords had stopped and that couldn’t be a good sign.

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