Chapter 8: Fire

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Chapter 8: Fire

Fire and madness were the only words that could describe it.  A thick black smoke filled his lungs and he had to cover his mouth to stop coughing.  The orange glow was blinding him and it was making his eyes water.  The heat was such a contrast with the cold from before that he felt his body give a violent shiver.  Kilgarrah was flying low over the woods and caves, lighting everything in sight.  Morgause’s men had taken fright and they could now be seen running in all directions.  Their screams were dreadful and overwhelming.  

Sister!  They cannot escape!  There is still a chance.  Vengeance must be ours, said Morgause’s voice in Merlin’s head.  

But Morgana was nowhere in sight.  The fire was spreading around them, burning the trees and creating a wall of flames.  They were trapped.  Again.  

“Did you tell the dragon to…?”

Lancelot did not finish his question.  Merlin was struck by the look of horror on the knight’s face.  The others were equally in shock.

The young warlock took a few steps forward.  Kilgarrah was doing the same thing that he had once done to Camelot.  The only difference now was that Merlin had inherited the sacred gift.  He would have to use his Dragonlord voice to stop the mighty beast.  He could feel Kilgarrah’s rage, but he knew that the dragon would not harm him for they were kindred spirits.  And consequently not even its fire would touch him.  Sure enough, the flames seemed to recoil at his presence.  He was after all a creature of magic, a master of the elements, and he was in no mood for an argument.

He took a deep breath.  “Dragon!” he called.  “Non didlkai.  Kari miss, epsipass imalla krat!”

He did not glance at the others but he imagined the fear on their faces as the beast that had almost destroyed Camelot swooped around the group and then landed heavily on the muddy ground.  A great gush of wind ruffled the warlock’s hair.  He noticed that the dragon’s scales were impervious to the swirling fire.

“What did you do?” said Merlin forcefully.  

The creature was bowing its head low.

“I did what was necessary, and apparently so did you.”

Merlin followed Kilgarrah’s glance and met Arthur’s furious glare.  The dragon nodded in the direction of the prince.  A silent understanding passed between the creature and the Dragonlord.

“This isn’t what I wanted,” whispered Merlin.

“You did not choose this day, young warlock, but it chose you,” said Kilgarrah softly.  

But then, they heard a woman’s scream.

“Morgana!” yelled Arthur.

Merlin turned around in time to see Gwaine and Lancelot holding the prince back.  Arthur had almost thrown himself in the flames in trying to answer his sister’s call.  The bond between them was undeniable.

“We have to do something!” said Gaius.

“For once, I agree with the old man,” said the dragon.  “Merlin, the witch Morgana must be stopped.”

Merlin closed his eyes momentarily.  Morgause was no longer talking to Morgana; she was whispering unceasingly in the Old Tongue, uttering words that made Merlin’s inside twist in pain even though he could not understand what she was saying.

“Morgause has done something to Morgana,” he said uneasily.  “She’s controlling her.  It’s dark magic.  I don’t know how to stop it.”

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