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"jeffrey, my friend!"

jaehyun looked up at johnny who pranced in the middle of the cafeteria, yelling his name.

"why so grumpy?"

"why so noisy?"

"aww man, are you still upset because of that cutie?"

jaehyun merely gave him a shrug as a response to his question. surely, he was talking about jiho.

he wasn't really that upset. he was just waiting for her to at least take action and take everything seriously. he would be lying if he'll say he didn't expect her to call out to him when he went out of her room or for her to approach him on that day to apologize. she never did and he knew she might never will, no matter how long he waits. being able to talk to her for a few weeks as jeffreyking somewhat gave him a slight advantage on what to expect from the girl.

"she didn't say anything yet?" asked yuta who was beside him the whole time, eyeing his phone that was the subject of his stare for a few minutes.

"i didn't receive any message from her. maybe she was busy studying."

"until now?"

"i'm not sure about the studying part but i'm pretty sure she'll fail the exam."

they boys directed their attention to sicheng who just arrived and sat beside johnny.

"what do you mean?"

sicheng huffed out a sigh and plopped his elbows on the table, leaning his cheek to his left palm.

"she looks so troubled earlier. if i didn't disturb her on purpose, i feel like she would break down any minute. she left a lot of items blank too."

it wasn't in his nature to get worried so easily, so instead of asking with concern, he kept his face blank.

"have you seen her?"

"she went home already."

all the boys surrounding the table groaned, except for jaehyun and sicheng, as if they were the ones who expressed their friend's frustration.

"i'm going," jaehyun muttered as he stood up and grabbed his backpack, stopping when johnny spoke.

"you'll check on her? aww are you really that in love with her?"

"johnny, nobody falls in love in just three weeks," he says firmly.

"why not?"

"he's not like you."

the taller guy only scoffed at yuta who answered in behalf of jaehyun who continued to walk away from their table and out of the cafeteria.

the moment he arrived home, he went straight to his room and slumped on top of his bed, still clad in his uniform while staring at the ceiling. thoughts race across his mind, mostly focused on a certain girl that he's been hiding his identity to.

there are times when the thought of revealing himself to her suddenly comes to mind. he did consider it once, telling her that it was him who sent the wrong message to her. it was him who blackmailed his friend. it was him who gave her a nasty nickname. he'd been meaning to admit already. but what's the fun in that right?

he sighed for the umpteenth time, jolting as he heard a familiar beep from his cellular device and quickly picking it up.

1 new message from jihoe

"holy shit."

apparently being chill suddenly disappeared from his vocabulary as he frantically fumbled on the screen of his phone while trying to get up from the bed to sit down, his gaze fixated on the screen.

she replied to him. after three days. it wasn't really that long but to him it seemed like a month has passed.

he unlocked his phone and opened her message.

jihoe: hey :")

jeffreyking: you're alive

jihoe: no i'm jiho and i need your help

he couldn't help but chuckle at the old and lame dad joke he's been hearing for years. but he also became curious at what she had sent him.

jeffreyking: how lame

jeffreyking: and my help is not for free

jihoe: not as lame as you

jihoe: it's okay i can pay you. i just really need your 'wisdom'

now he became even more curious

did she fail? will she ask him to tutor her? should he decline? or agree? how will he show himself to her?

jeffreyking: ayt what do you want?

jeffreyking: and scuse u i'm cool

jihoe: keep dreaming boi

jihoe: ehh just answer a question

jeffreyking: you're the one who needs to wake up to the fact that i am cool and handsome as hell

jeffreyking: spill

jihoe: i'm wide awake shut up

jihoe: well if someone made a mistake to you, what would you want to receive from them as a peace offering?

oh, she's asking for forgiveness.

jaehyun emits a soft chuckle and lied back down on his bed, a grin laced on his lips.

jeffreyking: hi wide awake shut up, my name is jeffrey

jeffreyking: well honestly, sincere words of apology would be enough

jeffreyking is typing ...

jeffreyking: along with a box of cookies

he didn't know why he suggested it, he's not even fond of sweets. it's not even a big conflict between them. one sorry will be fine for him but he knew it would be quite a sight to see jiho giving him a box of the suggested sweet. she'll look cute for sure, he thought.

jihoe: wow you're lamer than me icb this

jihoe: cookies huh? sounds nice

jihoe is typing ...

jeffreyking: why? did you fight with your boyfriend?

jihoe: do guys really like receiving cookies?

jihoe: wtf I don't even have any

jeffreyking: that's not what it looks like to me princess

jihoe: shut up. and why are you calling me that again?

jeffreyking: because i want to

jeffreyking: and oh, can i have cookies too?

jihoe: oml

jihoe: no

jeffreyking: why not

jihoe: because they're not for you

jeffreyking: then make one for me

jihoe: no

jeffreyking: aww you suck

jeffreyking: if you know what i mean

jihoe: :")

jihoe: fuck you

it was late when he realized he's been smiling the whole time he was talking to her. and he knew he will still have all those cookies to himself without her knowing.

lovesick | jaehyun [ DISCONTINUED ]Where stories live. Discover now