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jaehyun stared at the screen of his phone with furrowed brows. he is sitting together with his friends at the school cafeteria. however, he couldn't just join their conversation.

kim jiho

he knew he already heard that name somewhere, by somewhere he means just around the school campus. and which also means he's in big trouble. if this jiho girl is also a student from the same school, then there's a fifty percent chance that she knows him not only as a popular guy, but also someone who blackmails their friend for having sex with another friend.

with a sigh, he pressed the home screen button and locked his phone, diverting his attention towards his friends.

"hey ten, how was your hook up with johnny?"

the guy named ten choked on his drink and looked at jaehyun in disbelief while the other are holding their laughter.

"for the last time, we didn't hook up. i'm straight."

jaehyun scoffed at the reply. of course he knew his friend isn't straight. he's just too shy to admit even though his actions were practically revealing his sexuality.


"yeah really. what is it to you by the way?"

jaehyun shuffled uncomfortably at his seat, looking away as he replied.

"i tried to blackmail you. i'll tell the whole school you had sex with him that's why you were late but i sent it to the wrong person."

he said it so casually, as if he's not holding back a snicker while ten sunk back on his seat.

"wow. you guys are doomed," yuta commented as he sipped on his apple juice, leaning back on his seat. ten merely stared at his drink hopelessly. and jaehyun just shrugged.

"who did you sent it to, anyway?" sicheng, the only chinese in the squad spoke up, feeling just a little curious when jaehyun frown upon hearing his question.

"wait, you didn't sent it to johnny right? right?" ten asked with eyes full of hope, earning a glare from the younger.

"would you please calm down? i didn't sent it to him."

ten sighed in relief while jaehyun rolled merely rolled his eyes. so annoying. he unlocked his phone again and stared at the left-off conversation last night.

"kim jiho."


"she said it's her name," he says with a small frown, turning back to his friends with confusion also written on their faces.

"who's that?" yuta asked while jaehyun responded with a shrug.

"no idea."

meanwhile, ten almost slammed his fists on the table, looking really determined.

"whoever she is, she must not-and i mean MUST NOT know me! but on the other hand, how did you know she's a girl?"

ten does have a point. who knows, this jiho person could be a male who wanted to be a princess even if it's just on username basis.

"jiho is a girl."

all eyes were now on sicheng's direction. even yuta's apple juice is already long forgotten as he turned completely to sicheng, curiosity taking over.

"how did you know?" jaehyun asked, leaning his elbow sideways on the table.

"we were in the same class since last year. i spoke to her multiple times too since we were in the same club."

the other guys nodded slowly.

"but how do we know if it's the same jiho?"

"i know her too."

this time, everyone's attention is directed to taeyong, the eldest in the group. they were surprised and curious, mostly surprised.

"you know her?" yuta asked with wide eyes, not quite believing what the older just said while taeyong crossed his arms as jaehyun's gaze pierced through him.

"she's a friend of mihyun."

"oh wow, how many names do we have to deal with to protect my reputation?" ten groaned, literally pulling his hair out of frustration.

"you have a reputation?"

"shut up!"

the frown on jaehyun's face remained. sicheng knows this jiho girl. and even taeyong who's very antisocial gained a place on her friends list. how the hell did he not notice her?

"okay but who's mihyun?" yuta asked again, putting an end to their argument.

"she's doyoung's cousin."

the boys nodded except for jaehyun. he was classmates with doyoung last year but he's not that close with him. although, he knew he has a cousin. he might find the need to talk to her too.

all because of kim jiho.

"i need to go now."

without even hearing the others' responses, jaehyun stood up and made his way out of the cafeteria.

lovesick | jaehyun [ DISCONTINUED ]Where stories live. Discover now