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the day was spent well with jiho trying to keep herself seated on her chair. at this moment, she began to regret sending the text message to jaehyun the day before. she was not even sure if she's ready to talk to him yet. so she just tried to console herself by forcing the idea of just-talking-to-him-because-he-helped-mimi into her mind.

the clock strikes 3 and she could feel her stomach churn. after more unnecessary words from her teacher, class was dismissed and she started packing her things painfully slow. a few minutes later, she took her bag and proceeded to the club room of the school's dance club.

upon entering, she could make out two figures running around the studio which sparked a feeling of annoyance within her. the feeling even got worse when she saw the two people's faces. and at that very moment, she decided to skip practice for today.

she made her way up to the rooftop quietly and threw her bag to the side. she was too busy admiring the sight below her to notice her phone only at 3:30 and see a message that she supposedly received at 3:15.

jeffreyking: can't go. i'm sick. :(

"oh wow. how unfortunate," she commented while she's starting to type away a reply. she spent a few more minutes up on the rooftop. she made her way down right after to leave the campus, her phone on hand as she dials a familiar phone number.

"unnie, do you know where jeffrey lives?"

apparently, that was her second bad choice of the week and she only came to realize it when she found herself staring at the front door of his house.

after a few steps back and forth and deep sighs, she finally pressed the doorbell and waited for how many minutes. it took a lot longer than she thought before the front door opened and revealed a bundle of blankets to which she stared at weirdly.

"wow. you're really serious at being sick."

the person who opened the door seemed to be still half asleep as he didn't answer her. so instead, she pushed him inside and made her way in as if she owns the place.

"jiho, is that you?"

"no, it's your mom."

she saw the pure confusion etched on his face and she sighed.

"come on now, big guy. go back to your room and get some rest. i'll cook dinner for you."

"you will?"

"no, you will. dammit, go now!"

"but why are you doing this?"

at this point, she decided not to answer him and instead kicked him off to his room.

"stay there and don't come out until you slept for 4 hours. or you'll be saying goodbye to your beautiful face."

she huffs and made her way back to the center of the house to look for the kitchen.

until she realized what she just said.

"so you think my face is beautiful?"


alright ~ that's a wrap :D
here's another update for you guys!
btw i just had my thesis defense this morning and it was a success! YAY
i will be having my ojt next year so i really cant promise for more frequent updates but i will try
just a question tho
if i make a vixx fanfic, would anyone actually bother to read it?
note: this is unedited

lovesick | jaehyun [ DISCONTINUED ]Where stories live. Discover now