6. Is He Cheating?

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Zaan's pov:

I woke up in the morning and saw her sleeping on bed but I can't stop myself from laughing when I saw the way she was sleeping. She is sleeping diagonally head at one side and legs on other side all the pillows were fallen down from bed and blanket is half dangling on floor and half covering her.

The thing that made me nervous was her top has raised a bit and I can see her waist. It's not like I am seeing waist of girl for the first time. I have seen many girls and I had many girlfriends as well but still the way I am feeling now is different. May be this is because she is my wife. What the hell am I thinking? she is not my wife. she is nothing to me.

I quickly covered her waist with blanket. You are sleeping peacefully but because of you I didn't sleep a bit yesterday. I want my revenge and I am going to take it.

I quickly got freshen up and wore my jogging clothes and went for jogging. It's so boring to go for jogging alone. Maan bhai and I use to go for jogging together every morning but after Jiya left, He has changed a lot. He works too late in office and leaves early for office. It's been too long since I had breakfast with him. I miss my brother. Jiya didn't leave alone she took my brother's life with her. He forgot to live. I wish I can somehow bring my brother back.

when I returned from jogging. Maahi have woken up and when she saw me she said,"Had nice sleep?"

Is she taunting me..?

I said," Don't be too happy. I just slept for one day and you have to sleep on it everyday."

she said,"We will see."

I said,"Don't you dare plan something today."

She smirked and turned around. What's she planning today?

I said,"I will be leaving to office in one hour so be ready otherwise I will leave without you."

she said,"you don't have to bother. Sumair is coming to pick me up."

I don't know why but whenever she takes that guy's name I want to kill him.

I said,"I will drop you. Tell him to not come"

She said,"Zaan. I don't want to disturb your life. I know you got married to me just for Maan bhai. Sumair will drop me."

She is right but why I am feeling like this?

I said,"It's good you understood."

she said,"Today we are having fresher's party so I will be late."

I said,"Why are you informing me? You don't have to."

She said," I-I mean we are couple in eyes of others and it will not look good if we don't know whereabouts of each other" turning towards the dressing table but she slipped I was about to hold her waist but she balanced herself with the support of chair.

I felt disappointed. I don't know why but I wanted to hold her once. I am going mad because of her.

She said,"Please you also let me know if you have any plans after office."

I didn't listen what she said but just said,"okay"

She started looking into the mirror and getting ready.

I think it will be better to clear my mind. I don't want to think about her whole day. I walked close to her and about to hold her from back but she turned around and her elbow punched me in stomach and I fell on ground. Ya Allah it's hurts too much. Idiot whenever I go close to her I get hurt. This girl is real pain.

She said,"I am sorry. I didn't see you coming but what are you doing so close to me? Are you okay?"

I said,"just go from here."

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