9. Finding Solution

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Zaan's pov:

I was getting ready to go to office When Maahi came there and said, "You are going to office today?"

I said, "Yes. Why?"

She said, "No nothing"

I said, "What is it?"

She said, "I was thinking.. Nothing"

I said, "Fine.. I am leaving."

I was about to go when she caught my hand and said, "Is it not possible for you to not go to office today?"

I said, "Why?"

She said, "We need to do shopping for wedding."

I said, "I don't like to go for shopping take Aliya with you. I am okay with anything you buy but don't buy anything too bright or sparkly or girly colour."

She said, "but still if you can come."

I said, "No.. I just hate shopping and also I have to complete my pending work before applying for leave."

She said, "but you are the boss not an employee."

I said, "I am not boss my brother is. It's his company not mine. I am just a employee and I am also like others get salary."

After hearing this she didn't say anything. I don't know why but her silence irked me.

I said, "Why? Now you feel like you should have married bhai not me. I don't have power and money like him. Do you regret marrying me?"

She was taken aback by my words and said, "why are you saying like that? I don't regret marrying you. I am really proud of you. I am sorry but I always thought you are not responsible and serious about your career as you are working with Maan bhai. I really respect you a lot for giving your best."

I don't know her words really touched me. Always people told me that I am nothing but my brother's puppet but Maahi thinks so different about me. I don't know who possessed me I hugged her and she got tensed. Strangely she didn't push me away.
Shut why I am getting so emotional? This doesn't suit me. I am embarrassing myself so I quickly left from there.

Maahi's pov:

Zaan is so different from what I thought about him. Today I saw different side of him. He looked so nervous when he told me he is just an employee. I was shocked that I was not able to say anything. I always thought He is spoiled brat and only goes to office for name sake. I liked his new side who is so serious and responsible about his work.

Me and Aliya went for shopping. She looked so distracted like she was in hurry so I asked her, "Do you have some other work?"

She said,"huh..? No no"

I said, "It's okay if you are busy then you can go."

She said, "Actually I have to meet a friend."

I said, "Okay you can go I can manage."

She said, "Are you sure?"

I said, "yeah.."

She said, "Thanks.. Please call me incase of any trouble."

I said, "Sure.. Don't worry about me. Bye"

She said," Bye " and left.

I did shopping and came back home then started packing. I told Maan bhai and Ammi about this in the morning and they are okay with it. I hope everything will be fine there. Zaan don't know anyone there so I should be with him and try to make him comfortable.

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