27. Let's talk

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Maahi's pov:

I felt very happy that Asad is back in Mumbai. After talking to him he asked me to come to their house. I was very disturbed because of Zaan's behaviour that I decided to meet them and relax a bit. I called Zaan's number but it is switched off which angered me. How can he behave like this after our special night?

I wanted to forget everything for a while so I skipped college and went to meet Asad. His wife Maira is very nice girl and very friendly. At start of their marraige I use to dislike her as I thought I like Asad but with time I realised I was just happy with the idea of love. I really got to know what is love when I fell for Zaan My husband who is a mystery I can never solve.

Maira's brother Faraz was also there. It will be awkward because he proposed to me and I rejected him. Anyway we are not compatible and I was suppose to marry Maan. He saw me in his sister's marraige and proposed me on the same day. From that day we never came across each other except for today. Maira enveloped me in hug when she saw me. Once we entered the hall I was surprised to see Sofiya and Rehaan.

Asad said,"How is the surprise?"

I thought it can't get more awkward but now it has. I smiled and looked at Sofiya and Rehaan.

We talked about what going on in our lives for a while then we divided into two groups all ladies and mens.

Asad, Faraz and Rehaan went to Asad's room. Me, Maira and Sofiya are in guest room.

I don't know what to say I just want to leave from here. Maira said,"I got to know what happened at Sofiya's wedding. Mumma is very angry with your husband. Does your husband has anger issues? Are you happy in your married life? "

I glared at her and said,"Zaan has no issues. He has a reason for the way he behaved and I don't want to reveal it."

Maira said,"You don't have to hide anything from us Maahi. Don't be afraid we will help you. If you want divorce and afraid of consequences then Don't worry Faraz still lo-"

I stood abruptly from my place and said,"Di I respect you a lot but when it comes to my husband I can't tolerate any nonsense. I love him. He l-loves me. We are happy. He and Rehaan's brother has some issues which I don't want to reveal. It's my husband's personal life and I don't want to display it to the world. I am really happy that you are concerned about me but there is nothing to worry about. Zaan is only husband I want and he is the best thing that happened to me. I think I should go now."

Maira said,"Maahi I am Sorry. I was just worried for you. I want you to be happy. I am sorry for misunderstanding your husband. Mummy was so angry and after hearing her Asad and I are so worried. You know you are like sister to me and Asad. I just wanted to protect you."

I hugged her and said,"I am sorry di. I just can't hear anything against my husband not when he treats me so well."

She kissed my forehead and said,"I am glad to hear that."

Sofiya said,"Now stop both of you. I am feeling left out."

Maira said,"You too come here." we had a trio hug.

After listening to the experiences of Maira in abroad. We started teasing Sofiya taking Rehaan's name. I got to know that Safiya is in Mumbai and is doing some summer coaching in holidays. She wanted to come here but today she had class.

We had lunch and then I wanted to go back but they asked me to stay till evening.

Sofiya invited me and Zaan to her house but I refused because She told me Laila and Rizwan are staying with them as their house is under renovation.

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