28. Reason

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Zaan's pov:

I got ready for the lunch and I was coming down the stairs when I saw Maahi standing at door. I think Rehaan and Sofiya arrived. I walked towards the door to welcome them but the person I saw there boiled my blood. What the hell is he doing at my house?

He said,"Missed me Beautiful."

How dare he to flirt with my wife at my house? Today I will show him what is his right place. Let the game begin.

I walked towards Maahi and wrapped my arm around her waist. He glared at my hand. I smirked at him. You can only watch but can't do anything.

I said,"She is very beautiful, isn't she? I can't believe this beauty is all mine. About missing you I think that's not possible. You know she is newly married so she has no time to think about anyone else other than her husband. Am I right, Maahi?"

She was surprised by my calm behaviour. I know she is afraid that I will beat him up. He can't fool me again. Last time he got the reaction from me which he wanted not today. I know he love to rile me up. He want to create differences between me and Maahi but he will not succeed. He was successful in separating me and Laila but this time he can't separate me and Maahi. I am not that naive Zaan nor Maahi is Laila to get manipulated easily.

Maahi smiled and said,"Ofcourse Zaan."

I smiled and Rizwan cleared his throat. I said,"Oh I forget for a second that you are here. Come inside. We treat guests with respect even though they are uninvited."

Rizwan glared at me who cares.

I said,"Come inside why are you standing at door? Where is everyone else?"

He said,"They are on the way."

I said,"Maahi bring snacks for Rizwan."

Maahi nodded and left from there.

As soon as Maahi left He said,"What game are you playing?"

I said,"What game? What are you saying?"

He said,"Don't act smart."

I said,"I am not acting. I am smart. Atleast I am smarter than you."

He said,"You-"

I said,"I should thank you Rizwan. You know if you have not married Laila then I would have never got chance to meet Maahi and marry her. Somehow you are the reason for my happy life. I don't have any issue with you. You are a stranger before and now you are my wife's cousin's brother-in-law other than that we have nothing to worry about. "

He looked furious and about to retort
when Maahi brought snack for him. I patted the place beside me for her sit. Maahi sat beside me. She looked uncomfortable as Rizwan is checking her out. I want to punch him but I controlled myself. I will do everything calmly.

I said,"Maahi..If you don't mind then will you please make my favourite desert I kind of want to eat it. You know I love food made by you."

I kissed her hands and I saw Rizwan fisted his hands. Get that you ba*****

She said,"Sure anything for you."

She left from there. I looked at Rizwan and said,"Have the snacks Please"

He took one bite of Samosa and started coughing.

He said,"I will get water from kitchen."

He was about to go when I got hold of his hand. I said,"Where are you going? I mean you are a guest sit here. I will get water for you."

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