Chapter 2

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     I woke up ready to start the day. I got into the shower and as I got in, the warm water touched my toes. It felt so good to finally get into the shower. I turned off the water and got out to dry. It was so cold I quickly put a towel around me. I grabbed my clothes and put them on. My stomach grumbled. I looked at the time, 9:25 am. I was going to miss breakfast. After I was done getting ready I put my converse on. They were maroon I loved maroon. As I walked out of the building and down the street remembering I had seen a Starbucks on the way to McDonald's last night. As I looked for it I pondered on what I should go see that day. I walked into Starbucks and went up to the counter to order. I ordered a muffin and a coffee. I sat down at a table and that's when I saw him. Tall with short brown hair that was pushed back. He had green eyes that could put you in the hospital with one look. He was wearing a plain white shirt and black skinny jeans with holes in the knees. He had tattoos all over his left arm. I saw one of his tattoos, it was an anchor. I knew I've seen that somewhere but I couldn't put my finger on it.

      I didn't realize that I was staring until he looked at me. I forced my head down back at my phone. Millions of thoughts running through my head. But the only one I couldn't stop thinking about was how hot he was. My order number called and he was still at the counter ordering. My heart was racing. I quickly grabbed my muffin and coffee and sat back down. I pulled out my headphones and put on some music to distract myself from him. I was hoping he wasn't going to come and talk to me when he was done ordering. But I spoke too soon. I saw him walking in my direction. I try to calm myself down and act normal. My heart was pounding now and I'm pretty sure he could hear it. Pulled out one headphone and looked at him. "Hey I saw you staring at me." He said. His voice was deep with an accent and it made me want to die. "Yeah sorry about that." I replied. "It's ok. I'm Harry Styles." He said. My brain exploded. I couldn't believe I was talking to Harry Styles. "Nice to meet you. I'm Rylei Matthews." I said trying not to sound nervous. "So what are you listening to?" He asked. "Sunshine and Wiskey by Frankie Ballard." I replied. "Isn't that country?" He asked. "Yeah. It is." I replied. "So where are from Rylei." He asked. "Magna, Utah." I replied. "That's far." He said. "I know." I said with a smile on my face. "You know, you have really cute smile." He said. I can't believe he just commented me on my smile. He was so sweet. "Thanks. You have really cute smile too." I said with my face beaming. "Thanks." He said. Just then his number was called. I was relieved that his number called because I don't think my heart could take anymore of this torture. He came back and sat down. We ate are food and talked for the rest of the morning. But I didn't expect to spend my whole day with him. This was the best day ever! It got even better when he asked me for his phone number.

Harry's POV

    I woke up and got ready and headed out to Starbucks which was a thirty minute walk from my apartment. As I walked I pondered on what I was going to do today like maybe see the statue of liberty but I've seen it many many times before. I wanted to see something new. But I knew that was never going to happen. As I got closer some girls stopped me to ask if they could get picture with them. I said yes and after that they walked away giggling. I rolled my eyes. Every girl I've met has walked away giggling. It's just annoying. I walked into the shop and saw a girl staring at me but she looked away before I could give her a smile. I was at the front counter when I heard her number was called. I looked at her but it was like she was trying to avoid me or something. But I just turned back to the girl behind the cashier and ordered a coffee and a muffin. I made my way to the table the girl was sitting at and sat down. She pulled one ear bud out of her ear at looked up at me. She was cute and I couldn't keep my eyes and mind off of her. "Hey I saw you staring at me." I said. "Yeah sorry about that." She replied. "It's ok. I'm Harry Styles." I said. She sat there for a second studying me then she finally said "Nice to meet you. I'm Rylei Matthews." I guess she was trying not to be nervous but I could totally tell she was. "So what are you listening to?" I asked her. "Sunshine and Wiskey by Frankie Ballard." She replied. "Isn't that country?" I asked. Uggggg that was a stupid question. "Yeah it is." She replied. "So where are you from?" I asked. "Magna, Utah." She said. "That's far." I said wanting to band my head against the wall. I was so stupid. I wish I could take that back and rephrase it but it was too late. "Yeah I know." She replied with a big smile on her face. "You know, you have a really cute smile." I said. She really did and she also had pretty blue eyes and blonde hair. "Thanks. You really have a cute smile too." She said. I didn't realize I was smiling until she said that I had a really cute smile. I feel like an idiot. "Thanks." I said. My number was and I got up and got my food and coffee and sat back at the table. We talked for the rest of the morning and we spent the the whole day together. Then I worked up enough courage to ask for her phone number and she gave it to me. This was the best day ever!

Thanks for reading. There is more to come. :)

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