19-You have your first baby

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Ed opens the door to your empty apartment and you step inside and looking around. Your apartment had an extreme makeover over the last nine months and was ready for your new baby.

It was her first day home and you and Ed were extremely happy. You make your way to the couch and sit down, Ed following close behind you. He puts an arm around you and smiles at the baby. He hadn't stopped smiling since the day she was born and looking back at the last nine months, he was more excited than you were.

"She looks just like you." He whispers, careful not to wake her.

"Other than her hair. It's the same color as yours." You whisper back.

"Can I hold her." Ed whisper quietly looking at the child, nothing but love showing in his eyes. You nod and slip the baby from your arms to his. Ed smiles even wider than he already was and gently kissed the baby's forehead.

"I'm your daddy and this is your mommy." Ed says quietly pointing to you even though the baby was sleeping. "And we're going to love you, and take care you you." He continued pulling the baby closer to his body. The small child yawned quietly and snuggled itself into Ed's chest, not waking from its sleep. You look at Ed smiling and he looks at you. "She's perfect." He whispers.

Ed Sheeran  ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now