74. Autumn Leaves by Ed Sheeran

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You stand in a sea black unable to tell who is surrounding you, but that wasn't important. All your attention was on the coffin at the front of the church.

You choke back tears trying not to let the loneliness sink in.

It was such an odd feeling. You felt like at any moment they would burst through the church doors or as soon as you got home they would be there at the door to welcome you. But you knew that wouldn't happen.

They were dead. They were gone. They were miles away from you and no matter what you did, they wouldn't come back.

The speaker at the front of the church finishes their speech and motions for a few men in the front to stand up. They make their way to the coffin, shutting it and lift it up. They begin a somber walk to the back of the church as a song plays in the background. As they pass the mass of people stand up and follow them out the church.

As you step out you notice what a beautiful day it was.

As the coffin was carried to the car, you notice the birds singing, as if they were saying their final goodbye too.

You stand in place watching the scene unfold in front of you.

You finally allow the stock of tears to fall from you eyes unable to hold in your sadness anymore.

"Please don't leave me." You whisper, knowing it was a wish that couldn't come true.

Ed Sheeran  ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now