Chapter 21, Love Me, Leave Me, Left Me Numb

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*Sky's P.O.V.*

I silently cried as I laid in my bed that was flooded with balls of tissues and self pity. It had been about two weeks since things went downhill with Rocky. I was honestly crushed. I really loved him, and I thought I could count on him. But he broke my trust.

It didn't matter what he said when he came after me the next day. I couldn't help what I saw. Any girl would be horrified if she found her boyfriend putting his clothes back on with another girl next to him.

I cried harder when my phone dinged for the thousandth time. Of course it was him. He wouldn't give up on trying to contact me. I decided to look at the texts because I was way too curious to ignore him.

R: Sky, please. 4 days ago, 11:37pm

R: I love you so much💚 3 days ago, 12:06am

R: I didn't mean it. Yesterday, 8:49pm

R: Just answer me, please. Today, 4:13am

R: Skyyyy😫😭 Just now.

I wanted to answer him. I wanted to squeeze the hell out of him, kiss him, and tell him how lost I was without him. But I couldn't. He hurt me, and I knew it was best to keep my distance.

Then my phone dinged again.

R: If you're gonna ignore me, please turn off your read receipts. It's making it a lot harder for me. Just now.

Goddamn it. I immediately went to my settings and turned it off, mentally slapping myself upside the head.

*Rocky's P.O.V.*

"Any luck?" Riker asked as he sat at the foot of my bed.

"She's fucking reading them but won't answer me," I cried as I tossed my phone aside. "The least she could do is turn off her read receipts."

"Maybe she just needs some time alone to think," he reasoned. I lifted my head off my pillow and glared at him.

"It's been two weeks."

"It's probably not enough time. It may seem like an eternity to you, but it's barely enough time to think something like this through, and live your life on the side."

"It's most certainly an eternity when you're an impatient, desperate ex-boyfriend," I rolled my eyes.

"She'll come around. And if she doesn't, don't waste your time," he advised.

"She's my everything, Rike. I'm not wasting my time," I shook my head as I stared at the ceiling.

"I just don't want a repeat of last time," he sighed as he rubbed a hand along my shin.

"Don't worry, Riker. It's not a repeat," I started. He sighed in relief, but I buried it by saying, "It's a hell of a lot worse."

"Take it easy, man. I'm gonna head back downstairs." He climbed down the ladder and headed out of my room, leaving me alone to the white noise and my own thoughts.

I decided to try to text Sky one more time. Maybe she'd have a change of heart.

R: Will you just take me ba--

Nope, too much.

R: My life is incompl-

Nah, too cheesy. Maybe a tad clingy too. Just lay all the cards on the table, dude.

R: Listen, Sky. This is the last time I'm gonna try texting you. I'm gonna try to control myself to leave you alone. If you don't answer, then I know it's over. I love you so much, and as I tried to explain, I never meant for any of this to happen. I thought she was you. I'm so crazy about you, and this silence is slowly killing me. I'll ask one last time, just please talk to me.

*Sky's P.O.V.*

I reread the paragraph over and over, thinking of what to do. I still love him, but I wasn't quite ready to make myself vulnerable to the pain again. I decided to answer, but only for his well-being.

S: I appreciate the persistence, but I need to be on my own for a while. I still love you, but what happened was a pretty low blow for me. I'd love to just run back into your arms, but I can't do that. I hope you can understand.

Once I reread and overthought each word a thousand times, I hit the send button. I put my phone to sleep, set it down, and went to go do something else to distract myself.

*No One's P.O.V.*

I'm sorry, your message was not sent.

(A/N And that concludes this book! Don't you worry though, I will have a sequel up as soon as I can. Ciao!)

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