Chapter 1

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Chapter One


A lady around her early thirties walks towards the the pan on the stove with boiling wax in it. Before reaching for the spoon in the pan she flickers the cigarette in her hand. She then proceeds to stir the wax a little before lifting it off the stove and turning around to the kitchen table. There she place the hot pan on top of a holder and once again flickers her cigarette before she grabs a ceramic piece which resembles a face. She then holds the piece with one hand, while with the other she gets some of the liquid wax and pours into the piece. She carefully begins to move the wax around the face looking ceramic piece.

In front of her Is the ladies young son sitting on a high chair eating some cereal and also has some around him. The young boy then sets his spoon down. “You are being such a good boy. Would you like some more cereal, sweetheart? Here you go.” She says to him as she puts down the ceramic face and walks to him. She grabs the cereal box and pours more cereal into the young boys bowl then adds milk. Just as she was finished with the milk a man walks through the door carrying a squirming  and kicking boy who is screaming. “He’s really being a monster again today.” The man says as he carries the boy over to another high chair that has restrains on it.” Trudy, goddamnit, help me!”

Due the young boys kicks the ceramic face falls down and breaks leaving a wax face on the floor. The lady-Trudy- makes her way over to the man and boy. “Ugh! Can’t you be more careful?” she asks. “I’m doing the best I can. He’s out of control.” The man, who happens to be her husband, replies. “Sit still. Stop it!” Trudy says to the young boy who is still squirming and kicking. she then tells her husband,”Please hold him.” Together they begin to strap him. “Stop kicking!” The man straps his feet with leather looking restrains and then puts tape over them.

“Why can’t you be more like your brother?” Trudy asks the screaming boy. The husband then continues to tie down the boys hands.” Be quite! Shut up!” Trudy says with anger in her voice. Dried blood was clearly visible on the high chair were the restraint straps were at. Once the straps were on and taped the boy continued to thrash around causing the straps to cut into his wrist and draw blood out. On the other high chair sat the other young boy from earlier eating his cereal peacefully as if nothing were happening. As Trudy was finishing off the straps the boy scratches her in the hand. She then retaliates by slapping him across the face.

Present Day

“There’s a place in Tribeca for three-thousand.” Paige pointed to the newspaper she was holding. “That’s too expensive. The money I saved up won’t cover two months’ rent.” Carly said with a helpless look on her face. “I’m gonna have to work every second I’m not in class until graduation.

I stop from eating the french fry that was currently in my hand and look at Carly. “Carly, don’t even think about not going. This is what you’ve wanted.” I say while pointing the fry in my hand at her. Paige nods her head in agreement with me.” I’m not.” She replies with some determination in her voice.

“Good. Because you know how proud of you we are.” Paige tells her, pointing her between me and her. “ It’s just an internship.” She looks at us like its no big deal.” Uhm hello! It’s an internship at InStyle magazine! I’m honestly jealous of you.” I say not believing she’s not excited about it. “ You know I’ve always wanted to visit New York and you moving there will give me the perfect excuse to visit.” I add. Carly just laugh a little along with Paige. I’ve known Carly since sophomore year in high school. I was the new girl in school,she became my best friend and later introduced me to the rest of the gang. Which included Paige, Nick, Dalton, and Blake. Wade came into the picture not long ago maybe about 2 years ago you could say. Any ways she has always known it was my dream to go to New York. Now at 22 I’m really hoping to visit soon.

“Or would you rather stay at the Waffle House as a waitress forever?” Paige asked her.” No, thanks.” She replies. “ Yeah, that’s what I thought.” I continued to eat some more fries as paige kept looking at the paper and Carly sat there thinking.

“Hey, babe.” I look up to see Wade make his way over and sits down next to Carly giving her a kiss on the cheek.” Hi.” He looked up at me and Paige and gave us a small smile which I returned. He then turned back to his girlfriend,”Sorry, there these two drunk rednecks wrestling in the bathroom.” “Really?” Carly asks him. “ There’s no rednecks in New York.” I point out.” No. There’s not.” He said looking a little uncomfortable, which then earned me a look from Carly. I just shrugged my shoulders at her and continued with my fries. The table fell into an awkward silence.” I’m gonna go see what blake is doing.” Paige announced getting up from the table. I looked at her and nodded I knew she just wanted to get away from the awkwardness.”He seems to like that car more than me nowadays.” With that she made her way towards Blake.

“Well, I’m out.” I got up and made my way inside the building. Before I even reached the entrance I see Nick and Dalton picking on a homeless guy.”What’s up, Crow man?’ Dalton asks him while also recording. I stand there shaking my head and roll my eyes.Nick then decides to kick guy cup.”Get a job.” I faintly hear Wade mutter something about ‘nice’. “NIck!” I make my way over to them and look at the man with a sad smile and hand him a 10.”I’m sorry…..What the hell was that. Don’t be such an ass, you don’t know what he’s been through.” I tell the guy and then look at Nick and Dalton towards the end.

Nick then grabs me around the waist with one arm and pulls me against him adding his other arm, which holds his beer, around me. He nuzzles his face against my neck and mutter a ‘sorry’. All three of us make our way back to the table again with Nicks arm around my waist. I sit in between Dalton who is on my left and Nick who is on my right sitting sideways. He pulls me closer to him and holds me there.

“so, what do you think, guys? Gonna be a sweet game tomorrow, huh?” Wade asked trying to make conversation.” Yeah.” Nick mumbled not really caring taking another drink of his beer. I just rolled my eyes,” Hopefully is good or it’s going to suck if we had to travel all this way for a crappy game.” I said taking some of the tension out of the atmosphere. I honestly don’t know why Nick acts like that towards Wade. Poor guy hasn’t done anything to him. But then again, it’s Nick we’re talking about. He only shows real emotions and isn’t a shell around me , Dalton, and Carly. Well things between Carly and him are a little complicated at the moment so they’re not in good terms.

“ Dalton, don’t film me.” Carly said trying not to get filmed by Dalton’s camera.”What? I’m not doing anything.” Dalton responded acting innocent. “ The red lights on, idiot.” I told him and laughed a little. He ignored me and continued. Suddenly Nick leans over me and pushes Dalton’s camera down.”Put the camera down. She doesn’t like people up in her face. She folds under pressure.” Oh boy here we go again. I grabbed Nick’s beer from his hand, took a drink and waited for it to begin. “You got something to say to me, Nick?” Carly asked. “No, I think you’ve already spoken enough for the both of us, don’t you?”

Dalton then stood up,”You guys are lame. I’m out of here. See you.” I stood up as well and grabbed Nick by the hand so that he could follow me.” Yeah, we should go too, Nick. Come on.See ya in  a bit.” Me and NIck passed by Dalton who was filming Paige and Blake making out and headed to a secluded area that far way. Nick leaned against a rail that was there and held me around the waist while I had my arms around his neck.” When are you guys going to start getting along again?” I asked him. He sighed and looked at me in the eyes,” You know it’s still going to take sometime.”

“Well knowing you I don’t doubt it,” I smiled at him before getting serious again,” But can you tone it down a little, please. She’s my best friend and you’re my boyfriend, I don’t like it when you guys get into it.”He leaned in and gave me a small kiss.” I’ll see what I can do.” I just shook my head and smiled at him. We ended up making out until we heard Blake calling for us saying it was time to go.


** There you guys go, first chapter of this movie fanfic. Hope it was good. There might be some mistakes and spelling errors, I apologize for that. Please tell me if it was good or bad and if I should continue with it.**

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