Chapter 5

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(◊ Not Edited ◊)

After getting back to the camp, and me changing into a new shirt, we headed off to the football game. We were currently sitting in traffic just waiting for it to move. Blake and Paige were both in the front seats,while Nick, Dalton, and I were in the back.

This damn traffic was seriously taking forever! We were all bored out of our minds, at this point I just want to go back and forget about the stupid game. Nick had his head halfway out the window resting it on his hand. I knew he was probably the most bored out of all of us. “Dude, it’s over.” He told Blake.

“It’ll move.” He said back. We all knew that by the time the stupid traffic moved the game will be long over. “It’s not moving.” Paige told her boyfriend. He looked at her then said with a determined voice, “We’ll make the second half.” At this point I was getting really irritated.

“Look Blake, the freaking traffic is not moving and I doubt it will anytime soon.” I said raising my voice a little and sat back down in between Dalton and Nick. “Well, what do you want me to do?”

We all began to tell him we needed to turn the car around and go back. He was the only one now that actually wanted to go to the game.

“Blake, turn the car around,okay? It’s over. Besides, Carly and Wade are waiting for us.” I said in a more calm voice. He sighed and muttered a “whatever’.

About half way back Paige called Carly to let her know we were coming back and not going to the game after all. “Hey, it’s me we’re heading back…” Paige said through the phone. “....Traffic.

Did you get the fan belt?”

I grabbed Nick’s hand and started playing with his fingers, not bothering with Paige’s conversation with Carly. When we were half way back to where we camped before I decided to take a small nap. “Wake me up when we get there?” I asked Nick. “Sure.” He replied and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

“Nessa….Nessa….Vanessa, wake up we’re here. Come on, baby. Wake up.” I groaned and looked around to see we were not at the same spot from last night. I turned to look at Nick who was standing by the open door waiting for me. I got off the truck and asked, “Where are we?”

“We decided to camp here, where it’s not close to the roadkill.” I just shook my head in understanding. I let go of his hand and walked to where Paige was while he went to pee.

“This one is pretty good. What do you think?” I asked Paige, showing her the CD in my hand. We were next to the stereo sitting down trying to find something good to listen to. “Yeah, it is. Here let me put it on.” I handed her the disc and she put it on. Through the corner of my eye I saw Blake, Nick, and Dalton  making their way towards the truck.

“Hey, Paige.” We both gave our full attention to Blake.


“Nick, Dalton, and Vanessa are gonna go get them.”

“Why? We can go.”

“Oh, baby. Come on, I’m tired of driving.” He ‘whined’. I started laughing because I knew what Blake really wanted. Sex. Paige looked at me with a confused look and I just shook my head at her. “Okay.” she replied

“Try talking to him. Okay?” she nodded her head. “I’ll try.”

I stood up and made my way to the truck. As I passed Blake, I pointed a finger at him and said teasingly, “Play nice.” He just laughed and made his way to Paige.

I reached the guys just as Dalton was giving Nick the truck keys. I saw that he was rubbing his chest. I guess Nick must have done something to get the keys from him. We walked to the truck and Dalton gave me a look asking me If I wanted to ride up front with Nick. I just shook my head, maybe I could get  some more sleep before we get to Wade and Carly. For some strange reason I’ve been feeling a lot more tired lately. Oh well.

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