Chapter 9

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( Not Edited )


We silently and carefully made our way to the back door. Nick was in the front leading the way, while Carly was in the middle and I was at the very end. We reached the house and ducked as we passed a window.


“Stay close?” Nick whispered. Yeah, like I’m really planning on going somewhere without them.


We all stopped in front of the back door. I stepped closer to Nick as Carly went of to a corner to grab something. When she turned I saw that she was holding a wooden baseball bat. Both Nick and I looked at her questionably, which she just shrugged off. Must be for protection, smart.


Nick, then took a deep breath and carefully opened the door. He stepped in and signaled us to wait, while he looked inside. After that, he popped his head back out and nodded for us to follow him. It was dark inside, just visible enough to see what was at arms length. Carly stepped in after me and took a quick look before reaching out for the house phone. She picked it up and held it against her ear, after a couple of seconds she put it back down. There must be out of service or something.


I followed Nick who walked more into the house. We walked into what looked to be the living room. There was light in here which made it a lot easier to see.  I looked around the house as Nick went towards the stairs. I saw a pool table in the area which I assumed was meant for the dining table, but I could be completely wrong.


“Dalton? Wade?” I heard Nick whisper yell.


I turn to see him looking up the staircase. I go stand next to him and look up, too. Then we hear Carly calling us.


“Nick, Vanessa, there’s guns.”


We followed her voice to where she was and saw her standing in front of  glass-cage thing with guns in it. We walk up to her and Nick quickly makes his way to the guns. At first he tries to pull it open, but it was locked. He grabs the bat from Carly and decided to use that to get it open instead.


“No! Wait… wrap it with this. It’ll make less noise.” I stop him and then hand him a green cloth.


He wraps the end of the bat with the cloth and then his the glass, successfully breaking it. I move forward trying to get it open, but I can’t. Carly goes to check it out from a different angle only to say it was bolted to the wall.


This was just great! The only weapons that will guarantee us protection are freaking bolted to the wall and are caged in. We need to find something to open it with.


“Look, there has to be a key somewhere around here. We should look for it, or for something that will help us open it.” I say to them


“Yeah, you’re right.” Nick says


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