Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

(Not Edited)

‘Record crowds are expected for college football’s biggest game of the year….’the announcer on the car radio said.

We were currently driving down the road. Paige and Blake were both in the car ahead of us which happened to belong to Blake. ‘ Louisiana and Florida….’ Wade reached out to the button on the radio to turn it up. “It’s gonna be packed tomorrow.”

“Speaking of packed, my legs are killing me back here, man.” Dalton complained and moved around trying to get comfortable. I had to agree with him on that. Me, Nick, and Dalton were all sitting in the back seat of Wade small-ass car. Though, I was a little more comfortable than Nick or Dalton since I was in between both of them leaning slightly against Nick’s side. “Don’t worry, man, it’s not Wade’s fault….” Aw! look at him sicking up for Wade. He is trying.”...his little Hot Wheels car only fits two.” Nope I take it back. Dalton decided to keep on messing with Wade some more, while I on the other hand was just trying to get some sleep.”It’s more like a ‘shot wheels’ car, isn’t it? What did you do, go to a barber shop and ask for a He-Man haircut?” I honestly had to snicker on the last bit about Wade’s hair, Nick also found it a little amusing due to his small chuckle.

“Shut up, Dalton.” I said to him and gave him a little punch on his side, but I couldn’t get the smile off my face. “Dude. You hurt me.” He said back teasingly. I looked up at Carly and gave her a small smile, which she returned before facing forward. I then, turned to Nick and gave him a small peck on the lips. I leaned against him once again. We were both bored out of our minds so we kind of zoned everyone out. That was until Wade spoke up again.

“What the hell is this.” he said confused as he was looking at Blake’s car up ahead that had taken a detour due to the road being blocked. “Oh man.” Dalton said from beside me.” This sucks.” Carly, then added.

“So much for Blake’s nice little shortcut.” I muttered. “ I hope he doesn’t get us lost or I’ll be pissed.” I felt Nick’s arm around me tightened a little as he still had his head against the window.

A few moments passed before Wade decided to investigate where we were going. He then sped up a little, until he was next to Blake’s truck. I just kept looking foward trying to close my eyes, when out of nowhere, Dalton began to yell something out and shook me and Nick to get our attention. “Damn, yo, yo, wake up. Nick, Vanessa, wake up!” He shouted. I decided to see what had him so worked up, so I straightened up and looked towards the direction he was looking- which was Blake’s truck- and couldn’t believe what I was seeing. “Oh my god.” I said while trying to hold my laugh. Paige’s head was bobbing up and down in the area where Blake’s lap was. It was completely obvious what was happening. Plus, the look on Blake’s face gave it away too.

“Look at her, look at her!” Carly exclaimed. At this point we were all looking at the two in the truck  beside us. I turned to look at Nick and saw the amusement in his eyes. When I looked back Dalton had taken his camera out and was recording the scene before us. “You’re caught on tape!”

The other three tried to grab their attention, but failed. “What are they doing?” Carly asked.

“Is she flossing  herself with that thing?!”

Nick then leaned over Wade and honked the horn causing Paige to stop her ‘flossing’ and look up quickly. She looked a little surprised and embarrassed while Blake on the other hand looked pleased and didn’t really care. Nick sits back and takes me with him. I snuggle close to him and give him a kiss. Suddenly Carly’s phone goes off.

“She’s calling me….” she says and then answers”You are so busted!” Carly laughs. She stays quiet for a while before turning to us,” She dropped her lip balm.” Carly tells us with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. I roll my eyes and scoff. Carly then changes the subject, “ So, what’s up?” She asks paige. I decided to tune them out and looked up at Nick who looked down at me.

“I love you.” I say to him with a smile. He smiles back and kisses me,” I love you too, Ness.”

I honestly couldn’t think of how me and Nick were together. When we first meet and from there on, we never talked much. It wasn’t that we didn’t get along, it was just we never really got to talking and knowing each other. Eventually, it all changed and some how we became good friends and feelings were developed which lead to now. Now, we’ve been dating for three years almost four next month.

I came back to reality when Carly announced we were camping out for the night and leaving early in the morning the next day. I didn’t really care to be honest. We kept driving when Wade pointed out a sign that said ‘Trudy’s House of Wax’. “ Hey, wax museum.”

“You like that kind of stuff, Wade?” Nick asked Wade being an ass again. “ Nick.” I muttered to him in a warning tone.

“Yeah, I don’t know. Sometimes.” Wade replied.

“I guess if you like things pretending to be other things. Which you obviously do. Right, sis?” Nick said. “Nick, stop. Don’t start, please.” I pleaded. He just responded with a shrug and leaned against the window again. I turned to Carly and mouthed a ‘sorry’, she just nodded her head with a sad smile.

 We then continued with our drive to find a good place to camp out. Little did I know that our desicion to do so, would change our lives forever.


** Here is another chapter, this chapter isn't really much its more like a little filler in a way. Any ways, I can't find the movie, but I'm doing it off of pure memory and I found the movie dialouge online so that helps. So, there might be somethings that are not right, if so I apologize.

Please, let me know what you think. :) **

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