First stay in your room. Don't come out. Whatever you do. Don't come out. Never talk to any one unless they talk to you. Cry yourself to sleep because you think that will take away the pain. Think of ways you could die and not make a mess. Hold in all your anger until it is ready to blow. Then make it flow out like a tsunami. But whatever you do, do not come out your room. Listen to someone scream in your ears as you draw your heart out. Then act like you're ok when you come out to go to school. Be the best actress that ever lived. Paint a smile on your face so no one knows your hurting inside. Know you just lied to yourself and to everyone around you. Wonder what it would feel like to have a mother who cares for you. Stare at the wall full of your feelings as you try to break down the brick wall that keeps you away from society. But don't come out your room. Question yourself if you're better off just in chains. Try to pull your hand out of the shackles that is the leach that sucks your blood out every day until your hands start to bleed. But you're not coming out of your room. Now just sleep your day of being a teenager has begun.