Everything I tell you is true
Keep it in the box on the shelf
That holds the words you cannot tell
I wish to cease to exist
But it's a human disease we all have to live
My mother was a raging dragon
Every time she spoke the fire burned my skin to ash
My father is a Phoenix
That burned up and is waiting to rise from the ashes again
Everything I tell you is true
Keep it in the box on the shelf
That holds the words you cannot tell
I draw everything I feel until it disappears
Of the curses the witch cased upon me
I'm a snake
Beautiful but deadly
The venom that seeps through my mouth
Ready to bite anyone who tries to take my prey away from me
My mind is a vampire
Sucking the nice thoughts out of my head
And burns by the light of the thoughts that saved the life it lives in
Everything I tell you is true
Everything I say is for you
Please hold it dear and never let it go
Take the key
Unlock the box
Be the real you