Chapter 2

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  I still lived in the house I grew up in. My parents both moved to Florida once I started college. They helped me pay some of the bills until I found a better job to pay everything on my own. I still used the same room Tommy use to sneak into. My house is around the corner from Paddy Conlon's house, which is why I see him most of the time. He's usually on his way out in the mornings, as am I. Or tinkering with his car.

  I was rushing to get to my car being that I was late for work. I ran to the drivers side of my car.

  "Mornin' Eli!" Paddy's voice carried from down my driveway. He waved out the driver's side window as he drove up the street towards his house.

  "Good morning, Mr. Conlon!" I shouted as I finally got my door open.

  "Got some good news to share-" As much as I hated to do it, I had to cut the convo.

  "I'm so sorry Paddy, but I'm really late for work. Can I reschedule for later tonight to hear the good news?" I asked settling in to my car.

  "Oh, yea, sure- sure! Have a good day Eli. Say hi to Brendan for me." I winced as he said it because no matter how much his son rejected his attempts at mending their broken relationship, the old man still tried.

  Towards the ending of the school day I stop by Brendan's class. He's facing the blackboard when I walk in.

  "Hey, Brendan. Uh, I wanted to stop by.." I stop mid sentence when I see his face. "Oh my god! What the hell happened to you!?"

  "You should see the other guy." He chuckles without too much humor.

  "Seriously, Brendan? Did you go to Tess' job again?" I ask worriedly.

  "Nah, I didn't." He pauses as he stares out the door. I turn around to see Principal Zito give him a very stern look and walk away. "Let's talk about my gorgeous face outside." He ushers me out of his classroom, then out of the school.

  "OK, spill it Conlon. How the hell did you add on to your natural beauty?" I ask sarcastically with an eye roll.

  "I fought a guy...." He started off and I waited for him to gather his thoughts on what to say next. "And I won."

  "You fought a guy and you won? Care to explain why you fought the guy?" I pushed for more information.

  "Tess and I are strapped for cash after Emily's surgery and the bank wants to foreclose on our house." He let's out a deep sigh. "So, I did what I know best." I squeezed my eyes shut because I already knew what he meant by that.

  "Jesus, Brendan. What did Tess say about this?" I gesture to his face.

  "You of all people know she doesn't like it, but we need the money." He explains.

  I stay quiet for a while before I start to speak again because I do know how hard it was for them to make ends meet. "So what was that with Principal Zito a little while ago?"

  "I got suspended." He gave a tight lipped smile. "...Without pay."

  I shook my head. Not knowing what to say, but knowing that my good friends needed me now more than ever.


  I spent some time at Tess and Brendan's discussing how to fight the bank's foreclosure or make extra money. Brendan was dead set on reverting back to his MMA days as a way to make quick cash. I let them know that my place was an option for them should they need it. I had 2 extra rooms to spare.

   It was only 7 p.m. when I arrived home and decided to visit paddy so he could share his news, and I can also admit that I am a sucker for the old guy. I've witnessed his change, but it really isn't my place to forgive on behalf of his kids for his alcoholic past.

  Standing on his front steps after knocking, I wait for Paddy to open his door. The door opens revealing a smiling Paddy Conlon. "Hey Eli!" His raspy voice bellows.

  I smile widely. "Hi, just wanted to come and hear the good news." I explain as he ushers me into his living room. "So, what's got you all excited and bursting to share with me."

  "You're not gonna believe this-" He's interrupted by another knock at his front door. "Gimme a sec." Paddy walks to his small foyer and opens his front door. I can hear another man's voice followed by the name Tommy Riordan being mentioned. My heart skips a few beats at the sound of his name, along with his moms maiden name. I can't help but to eaves drop.

  "What business you got with Tommy?" I hear paddy ask.

  "None yet. That's why I'm here. I manage fighters." The man at the door says. Paddy hasn't seen Tommy in 14 years, why would he come here looking for him? I think to myself. "Tommy's been working out at my gym. He put a beating on the number one middleweight contender in the world today." At this point, my heart is pounding. I can't even listen anymore. My mind isn't comprehending what I'm hearing. I tune Paddy and the stranger at the door out.

   "He doesn't live here." I hear the front door close and that snaps me out of whatever twilight zone I'm in. I immediately stand as Paddy walks back into the living room. His weathered face is filled with regret.

  "I didnt want you to hear about it like that." He says apologetically.

  I give a tight lip smile. "No, no its fine... I, um, have to be going now Paddy." I mutter as I walk towards the front door. "Good night." I wish him as I hastily leave his house and head towards mine.

  What the hell just happened? Tommy can't be back, can he? I can feel the adrenaline pulsing through my veins just thinking about seeing his face. The boy who broke my heart all those years ago. It still feels fresh. I know we were only kids, but you never forget a connection like that or even a broken heart that never got any closure.

  Let's just say that tonight, I will not be getting any shut eye in the mist of this nuclear bomb Paddy just dropped on me without warning.

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