Bottoms up

564 16 2

Growing up every adult tells you drinking is bad. It's all don't drink you will destroy your liver but you can bet they did the same thing you do. You can bet they got black out drunk to get over a ex... Or a crush. A crush that happens to be on one of your closest friends who happens to be of the same gender or is that just me.

It's probably just me.

What I'm trying to say is they only say that because they don't want to seem like shit parents/teachers. They can't really say 'yeah at sixteen I was out drinking and smoking in the local park until I passed out or puked.' That wouldn't really set a good example on the future generation. The generation of fuck ups. Though hasn't every generation fucked up so far? I guess what I'm trying to say is...

Bottoms up. 

Authors note

So hi I'm back and not with a sidemen fic. If you came from my sidemen books welcome back but I'm pretty sure none of you like all time low. If your new here hi I'm happy to have you. If you happen to like the sidemen check out my other fics.

Now your probably wondering about my update schedule. It don't exist at the moment. I'm in college and it's super busy, I'm trying to change course so I'm in less but still it's a lot. Anyway I update at least once a week but it's more when I have something written.

I'm going to shut up now.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻

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