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What their names mean

Emrick- Immortal

Kyan- Dark

Rane- Beautiful

Zima- Winter

Eyota- Greatest one


Emrick got Zima a deer to have for their breakfast. "Emrick where are we going to now? I sure word got around to the other Covens that we are wanted." Zima asked. "If I remember right the Demonix Clan is near here." Emrick told her.

"Isn't there a wolf pack that we have to go thought before we can get there?" Zima asked. "Yes the Wild Creek Pack. But Eyota wouldn't tell any wolf packs to watch out for us. She don't like wolves. The only thing we have to do is go to the border and asked to see their Alpha so we can pass though." He told her.

After they where doing eating they made their way to the Wild Creek border. As they walked they made sure to listen and made sure there was no one near them. They don't know who their step-mother has out looking for them.

Wolves are a no on her list. She thinks they are foul uncivilized creatures. Erick thinks the a beautiful animals that walked the earth. They are kind and loving and he can't see why Eyota would hate them so much.

They walked for about two hours until the smell the scent of wolves near by. "I say we are about a mile from the border." Zima said. She was right they walked just a mile and there where some wolves on patrol.

One the wolves happen to see them. "Stop there. What is your business?" The wolf asked. "We would like to ask your Alpha for safe passage." Erick said. The wolf looked them over once. "You may pass. Lonan go with them." The wolf told the other. "Follow me." Lonan said. They followed him until they made it to a big house. " Alphas Ax and Casey are waiting for you." Lonan said as he walked back the way they came.

Zima knocked on the door. It didn't feel right to just walk in to someone home with out being invited in. The door open a boy stood there. "You must be the vampires that Ax and Casey are waiting for." He said. "Yes we are. I'm Erick and this is my sister Zima." "I Danny. Ax and Casey are my mates. I'll show you where they are." Danny told them.

They followed him. He open a door and walked in. "Their here." Danny told them. He stood to the side to let Erick and Zima in. "Thanks love." One said to Danny. Both kissed the top of Danny head before he left. "Sit. My name is Ax and this is my brother Casey. You already meet our mate Danny. So lets get to business." Ax said.

"My name is Emrick and this is my sister Zima would like to pass though so we can go to Demonix." Emrick said. Casey and Ax looked at one another. Until Casey spoke. "You haven't heard the news have you. Demonix was attacked by Nox." He told. "I think it has something to do with you two." Ax said. Zima looked at him. "Your not going to send us back there are you?" She asked. "No we are not. We may not know the whole story of what's going on but we are not going to send you back cause of a power hungry whore." Ax said. "We are going to let you stay here until we know what's going on and until those who savored in Demonix are here safe." Casey told them.

A girl walked in. "Lily will show you to your room." Ax said.


Johnny told Ax and Casey all that he know so far. Ax told him that Emrick and Zima are at the pack house right now. "Emrick and Zima are at the Wild Creek Pack house right now. They where on their way here." Johnny told Hoyt when he walked into his office. "That's good. Eyota would never look there. She don't like wolves." Hoyt told him as he sat behind his desk. "I will tell Ax and Casey when I return home." Johnny said as he got up.

"Thank you again for the help." Hoyt said as he got up to hug his dear friend. "If you need anything just call." Hoyt said as he pulled away. "Same to you friend." Johnny said as he walked out the door to his car. It was going to be a long drive home.

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