Chapter 21

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     Snow started to form again on this broken boarder, patches of dirt and mud started to get covered in it once again. A piece of hail hit the spring heir right on his left eye, making him cringe away. I took that opportunity to try and freeze him. As much as I wanted him to suffer, to make his pain slow, I knew my people were tired and hungry. And more importantly, they wanted to be safe again.

     Yet this man wasn't going to go that easily. His feet started to get covered in ice and instantly he stepped back to where there was only dirt, where spring was beneath his feet. He counter attacked with stomping his foot and the floor quaking beneath him all the way into winter. It wasn't strong, but it definitely wasn't pleasant.

     "I can escape from the cold, but you can't escape from the land you're Grace!" he taunted.

     Piles of rocks start to be taken from the ground and form together until it morphed into one boulder. He released it right in my path. No amount of ice that I could conjure up would have stopped it quick enough, but I was fast enough to jump out of the way.

     As I landed down into the fresh snow I could here the spring royal's taunting laugh. It was an annoying sound that echoed in the forests behind me as the boulder landed heavily, avoiding  my people but not the trees. Luckily for me, he was distracted. To busy thinking that this fight was going to be easy. Good, let him continue to underestimate me.

     In my hand I formed a long and flexible whip of ice that had a sharp dagger at the end of it to leave a lasting impression. Quickly with royal speed I stood up and cracked the weapon in his direction, adding more ice to the length so it could reach the stupid spring heir. And it did. My whip wrapped around his warm colored neck, cutting off his laugh and circulation. Followed by the tip of the knife slicing the right side of his face from jawline to ear.

     His cuss word was barely a whisper as it made it's distance to me, and I felt a smirk form on my lips. I pulled on the whip with all my strength to reel him into winter, his body jerked forward and snow started to stick to his coat as I dragged him through it. Snow flakes mixed with his auburn colored hair. The image itself almost looked like warm blood staining itself into the fresh snow.

     The spring heir tugged onto the whip, holding it as if that would break it so he can breath again, but my ice was unbreakable. But before he could distance himself from the boarder to much, he let go of the ice and slammed both him hands in the ground. Going beneath the layers of snow and pulled the land back as if it was carpet. That motion alone sent me falling to the ground, lightening the whip around his neck so he could breath again. 

     We stand at the same time, niether one of us taking our eyes off eachother. He was staring at me so intenstly with his apple green eyes that he missed Nuri sulking, waiting for an attack. But I didn't want him in this fight any longer, he already had blood mixing with his vibrant coat, and I couldn't tell if it was his or not. The spring heir was still looking at me when Nuri jumped out from the tree's a few heart beats later and attacked him from behind. Nuri aimed for his neck, where it was now whip free, when the spring heir moved fast enough to avoid the death blow. But not the attack entirely.

     His left arm managed to get chomped on, but before Nuri could bite even harder, the spring heir formed a cast out of rocks around his arms and punched Nuri in his ribs. My tiger whimpered in pain. The spring heir lifted his heavy arms once again for an attack, but I was seeing red.

     Red for the blood of the innocent men and women who followed me for peace, blood on my husbands lips, blood on my tigers bright coat, and finally red with rage.

     I let myself forget everything around me, and fall into that rage I knew I had in me. The rage everyone feared me for.

     An ice long sword that would take the strongest man two hands to carry formed in both my palms and I charged at the spring heir. His fist collided with my right sword and a few of the rocks on his arms cracked away. We watched them fall and sink into the soft snow. Hail continued to land around us, each piece missing me, and hitting him. 

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