Chapter 44

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     We didn't even need to knock on the dramatically sized emerald colored front doors. Not when the armed guards of spring were all aiming their arrows towards me, and only me. Did they honestly believe I was a threat even without my powers? I mean, it flattered me that they were that paranoid of me to a certain extend. Yet, at this point, I was annoyed of it all where I just felt like letting Alagan go with plan B and take over spring the fun way.

     "Oh come on guys, she's harmless right now," Clovis said dramatically, even putting the effort to throw his hands up in the air. When none of the guards moved to step aside the look on Clovis' face changed from the carefree mask he wore, for just a split second, as he lifted his hand and moved the earth to create a path for us. "I'm coming back from a very, very long trip, if any of you would like to go head to head with my temper then please, come forward."

     Of course none of them did. But that didn't mean that they put their weapons down either. Fair enough. The doors were opening and our path was clear. I took in a deep breath and held it for a few heartbeats until I was fully inside the spring castle. The inside was more or less what I expected. The entire structure was the very earth itself. Stone stairs, pillars, statues, and green everywhere for the plants that hung from the ceiling and the vines that hugged the walls. The windows were honestly just missing pieces of the walls with no glass to keep the elements out. Or the birds for that matter. A small humming bird had just landed, it's overworked wings finally at rest as its chest huffed for air. It's feathers changed from green to red as the light hit it.

     "Prince Clovis," said a women dressed in a stiff dress the color of an orange. Her hair was short, just past her ears, and it was about five shades darker than her outfit. "You're family gathers in the dining room down the hall and ask that you and your...guests meet him there immediately."

     "I don't feel like going there immediately, I feel like taking a bath to sooth my aching muscles from the trip, care to join me Scarletta." Clovis extended his hand and wink at her, she turned as red as her name. Not that he asked her this in public, I was sure this was his normal, but that he did that with me in the castle, watching.

     "Clovis," her eyes were wide as she looked from me and back to him, "Prince Clovis you're family is waiting." And with that she stormed off to another part of the castle.

     As if nothing happened Clovis turned to me and my family. "Come on, the battle is this way."

     "She's a sweet girl, you really shouldn't embarrass her like that," Aunt Palma quietly scolded.

     Clovis shrugged. "I never asked her to do anything she didn't want to."

     Even though we all changed from our riding gear right before we came here, and Aunt Palma was wearing heels the same as I, I felt like mine echoed through out the spring castle in a taunt. My cousin wore his traditional summer armer, his mother wore a light blue dress that flowed as if she was part of the snow and I loved her even more for wearing the colors of winter to support me. I wore something more simple, a plain white dress that reached past my ankles and had a soft off the shoulder strap. There were no designs of snow or suns, no, I was the white flag of peace. It was my brother who had the hidden messages in what he wore.

     He wore a suit, one that was made in winter in a short period of time. It was a present from me to him, thanking him for absolutely everything. And more importantly for coming into my life at the time that he did. His reply was that I had come crashing into his life. His suit was the color of a muted emerald, because there was no hiding his spring side any longer, while the inside was designed with sapphire colored silk to remind the world that he was both.

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