Chapter 26

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     After an hour of us fighting I realized that not once did he throw a punch, or fight, back. All Alagan did was defend himself between my combinations. I would pull my arm back behind my head to use it all full force on to his. My kicks would be hard enough to break any grown mans legs like a branch, but he stood strong. It probably angered me more that there weren't any bruises or cuts on his body, as a royal he would heal to quickly with only physical pain.

     My white dress was no longer clean, and neither was Alagan's coat. More so now that he chugged it off to the ground. It was mixed with splashed of blood and mud. The same as my dress. Yet I kept punching, kept fighting for another hour. I couldn't get tired - I would never get tired.

     What I needed, was to get this out.

      So for another hour we fought. I noticed that we had created a crowed. Yana came running out with a bow and arrow, ready to fire at Alagan, but Ray stopped her. Told her that it wasn't what she thought. And so they watched. Hudson arrived a few minutes after that with an apple. His usual loud and obnoxious chewing was silent compaired to the blows.

     And then somewhere along the three hours of fighting, I felt better. Still grieving - I'd always grieve for the people I've lost throughout my long life - but better. The tight knot that wrapped around my body eased just a bit for me to actually realize my actions. I guess Alagan saw it along my face, or felt it in my body, because soon enough we slowly stopped what we were doing.

     With heavy breaths we just starred at one another. Both of us emotionally tired, and then I remembered that moment back on his island. That rage and anger - and sadness - in his eyes. I knew he needed this too. Who was he grieving for?

     "Thank you," I told him.

     He just nodded back his reply. We were far enough from my council for them to hear anything we said, but still I could see the years of his quiet habits surface from time to time. How lonely must it have been for him? To not hear anyones voice - but his own. To not feel anyones touch, their warmth, hear their laugh, their story? I would have gone crazy. Or I would have risked coming home just so I could escape that.

     So I took a few steps towards my brother, hearing the new snow lightly crunch under my weight. Slowly, like I was approaching a wild animal - because sometimes I felt like he was still wild - I lifted my arms, and hugged him.

     His body was tense like the rock he had control over. I could feel the warmth of his skin through his cotton long sleeve. He just stood there, his shoulders still straight and head still high. I didn't mind this, because maybe he's forgotten the generosity of others. But I know he needs this.

     I had started to pull away when I felt his body hesitate, I froze my stance. Alagan's shoulders started to curve in, and then I felt his arms wrap around my thin waist. His breathing had gone slightly quick - and that wasn't from our fighting.

     My lips curved up in a smile, and whatever other knots I felt in my body loosened at this moment. I turned my head away from his neck and rested my cheek on his strong shoulder. No matter what events play out in the days to come, and even the years, I'd remember this moment. The moment my long lost brother and I had hear in winter. Where we realized that we had finally found that piece of family we thought we lost here in winter.

    We finally pulled away from our embrace with quickness. Not because he realized this was weird and pushed me away, but because we felt it then. And only us two would be able to - someone had cross the boarder from Summer to Winter.

     "Their soldiers?" Alagan said, already heading back to the castle. The eyes of my council watching us, and now on their toes as we quickly walked back inside.

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