Chapter 46

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     Cedar's face turned cherry red as the whole castle shook with his rage. Pieces started to fall from the ceiling. Soon enough the rest of the people that lived in the castle soon started to join our tension filled room. Everyone from the staff to the rest of the royals all looked with wide eyes and even wider mouths at the room that was redecorated with a lava pool and ice flooring. Whoever had the spring lands power tried to hold the castle up from falling, some of the innocent bystanders were seconds away from having large pieces of rocks land perfectly on their fragile heads. Clovis automatically took charge and ordered the people to get out of the castle. A girl that I assumed was either a cousin of theirs or one of his lucky children started making a safe path for everyone.

     "Look at what you're causing Cedar. You're not only putting your family in danger, but you are putting your people in danger. That doesn't seem like the character for a King to have," Alagan said.

      Even though my brother had a point, Cedar took offence to his taunt, which caused the castle to rattle like a baby's toy.

     "Your father was right about you, you're an abomination that should never have been born. Both of your kind! You're mother was evil herself, and look at what she created. Her little puppets that are going to destroy each and every season until there is nothing left."

     I took steps closer to Cedar, the lava between us cooling and solidifying to stable rock, "You are the one that is toxic. I have not hurt a single person in either of my seasons since I saved winter from my mother. If I wanted domination over all the seasons I would have married and had children with an autumn, not a summer who had no connection to the land or barely a cent to his name. If I wanted to, I would have ruled over summer and winter, but I don't. I do not want summer, just as my brother does not want winter. He wants spring." I was a breath away from Cedar, he struggled to turn his head in my direction as I leaned into his ear. "And he doesn't need my help to get it from you. So, your two options are to either accept your new King, or, jump in the lava to put yourself out of your own misery, because I'm no longer accepting yours, or my fathers, toxic nature. It's ruining our seasons, not me."

     "Rissa! I call a rissa against Alagan!"

     The people that were making their way to safety instantly stopped.

     A rissa was a fight to the death against two competitors, without using their powers. If powers were used then it would be instant death for the cheater. In this case, whoever wins, wins the crown.

     I shrugged at Cedar, "Or option three, die like a man in battle. I can respect that."

     Alagan crumbled away the hold against Cedar.

     "I'm not the one who's dying Ice Queen. And after I take out your bastard brother, I'm coming after you."


     We all gathered outside where the mountains of flowers gently swayed in the spring wind that was neither cold nor hot. Spring was the season with the most birth, animals had their offsprings, and plants were able to grow in every inch. But at this moment there would be death, and Spring, in a way, felt that. The birds chirping was no longer calm, and neither were the spring citizens.

     The story about Alagan spread just as quickly as I was sure it did, and people gathered around the rink to see who this stranger was. Some looked in awe at him, others automatically cursed his name, and mine. When they would look my way and say foul things, I couldn't help but wave at them, as a queen should. Yet, of course, I had to remind them who they were cursing, so I created a copy of my hands, on in fire, one in ice to say hello. As soon as they saw I had my powers, they scurried away and hid.

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