Chapter 49

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     We couldn't ride full speed on the ice horses because of Aunt Palma and Nazim, but still it gave us a chance to read over the letters that were exchanged between Summer and Spring. I read them all before we even crossed the Spring border, and I was happy for it, it gave me time to digest what my father said about me.

     There was no worry about what Elis' letters were to the now dead Cedar, he was his usual logical self who was trying bring reason. His brother, my father, on the other hand was not. The words monster, insane, corrupt, were written, amongst others. They hurt, but not as much as him plotting to get rid of winter, no matter what. He had plans on luring me in for a peace negotiation, and ending it right there.

     Well, he was getting what he wanted. Except there was no negotiating for peace, there was no talking it out this time, and I wasn't going to be the one losing.

     When Aunt Palma and Nazim read the letters they just looked at me with pity eyes. More Nazim than Aunt Palma, she instead looked just as hurt by her older brothers words than I did. I didn't tell them about the poison Alagan had given me, not because I didn't trust them, but because I wasn't sure if I was going to use it, but after reading the letters there was no doubt in my mind that I would have to.

     The summer border was now in our sights, any minute now and we would cross it. Aunt Palma and Nazim picked up the pace so they would be the first to cross. My father would have a three second head start to know that I was about to enter his land. And if he attacked now, so would I. If he dared to hurt Nuri, I would let my ice horse run at its top speed and see my father one on one. But to my shock, he didn't. There was no response to me entering his land, like I thought he would. Unless he realized that there was no point to a far away attack, that wasn't his strength. If he wanted to get rid of me then he'd had to use tricks and be one lands of a smooth talker.

     He must have heard about Cedar's death and about Alagan, but he what he doesn't know is that I read his letters. He thinks I am going into summer naive, that's why he didn't attack.

     All this over thinking, the planning that was going on in my head passed he time. The river of suns, the Ari village, the snake mountains, the jungles, were all a blur as the ice horses raced past it all. We had the castle in our sights within a few hours. Three at most.

     My heart couldn't help but pick up with nerves. What if this went completely wrong? My worst possible outcome it that my father tries to kill me and I kill him in defence. I didn't care much for how the people saw me, they should know me well enough not to fear me any longer. But how would Elis and Aunt Palma see me? It was one thing to kill my mother, but it was another to kill their brother. Aunt Palma was the one who always tried to keep this family a family. She was the one who told me I could trust them, that summer was my home. Would she forgive me? Would she then see me as a monster?


     It was Elis who was waiting for us at the front doors. He wasn't dressed in the usual summer royal attire, which was a suit with gold somewhere embroidered. Instead he wore casual clothing, pants and a long sleeve linen shirt. Ever since he stepped down as king he didn't care much about dressing the main part. As soon as we were off the horses he embraced his sister and mumbled some words into her ear that I couldn't hear. He then went to Nazim, even petted Nuri before finally coming to me. 

     He took a step towards me, but then immediately stopped as he looked me over. His eyes widened as he practically froze.

     "Oh don't tell me you're scared of me too now?" I half joked.

     "You're- you're pregnant?!" he half hissed. My first reaction was to be insulted that he was upset about it. My last pregnancy he was overjoyed and even a little overbearing to handle. "Get out of summer, now." He turned to his sister, "How could you let her into summer like this!"

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