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Back to Braelyn's POV

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"I had fun, Jared," I say as Jared pulls into my driveway.

He smiles. "I did, too. Are you okay, now?" he asks, studying me.

I nod, looking away. "I will be." Jared places his hand on my knee, and I shiver, pulling away. He frowns, and I bite my lip. "Sorry, I jus-"

Jared nods. "I understand. I was a big jerk, Braelyn, and I hurt you. Trust me, I regret everything I did that night," he says.

Swallowing, I force a smile. "Yeah, I know, Jared. I know you're a good guy underneath all that popularity," I say.

Jared clenches the steering wheel. "It's not always great to be popular. It makes you do terrible things," he replies, looking at the clock. "I hate to do this, but I really have to get to practice."

I laugh, "Yeah, sorry." I open the door, getting out and grabbing my backpack. "It was good hanging out with you, Jared. You're a better guy than I remember."

He grins. "You're the same girl," he says.

I shut the door and walk up to the door. I wave to Jared, and he waves back before pulling out of my driveway. When he does, I make my way inside. Luckily, the only one of my brothers home is Nathan, and he is watching TV.

I hurry up the stairs and into my room. I shut and lock the door behind me then walk over to my bed, kicking my shoes off. My phone begins to ring, and I answer with it without looking at the caller ID. "Hello?" I ask.

"Hey, um, I don't know if I should tell you this or not, but Xavier just broke his hand," Marcus says hurriedly.

Worried, I furrow my eyebrows. "He did what?" I ask.

"Will you just come to the hospital? He's being stubborn, and he wants me to leave him. Please, I don't want him to walk home."

"He hates me," I say, "Didn't he tell you what happened?"

"Braelyn, please," Marcus pleads.

I sigh, rubbing my hand over my hair. "Fine. I'll be there in a few," I say, hanging up and pulling my shoes back on.

This is a bad idea, Braelyn, I tell myself as I hurry downstairs.

"I'm taking the car!" I yell, grabbing the keys and hurrying out the door before Nathan can stop me.
I walk through the emergency room doors and up to the nurse's desk. "I was wondering about a patient that was just brought in a while ago. Xavier Riaz."

"Relation to the patient?" she asks.

"I'm his cousin," I lie.

She nods and types something into the computer. "Um, he's in Exam room 18. Go down this hall and take a left. It should be right there," she says.

I smile then follow her directions. Slowly, I knock on the door. I hear groan followed by a "come in."

I open the door, and Xavier sits on the table with a newly casted arm. His eyes meet mine, and he look away quickly. "Marcus call you?" he asks.

"Yeah," I say, "What did you do?"

He shakes his head then looks at me. "Does it matter?" he snaps.

I cross my arms. "I didn't have to come, you know."

"You shouldn't have."

"Well, I was w-" I cut myself off.

Xavier crosses his arms. "You were what, Braelyn?"

"Worried," I finish.

He shakes his head. "Just leave, Braelyn. I don't want you here."

"Look, just because we got into a fight doesn't mean you can go and break your hand!" I yell.

He stands up. "Why do you care what I do? I just hurt you a few hours ago, and you show up here. Why, Braelyn? Why? Tell me."

I set my lips in a firm line because I don't have an answer. Why did I come here, especially, after what he said. Xavier waits for an answer, crossing his arms.

"Why, Braelyn?" he asks again more quietly.

"I don't know." It comes out almost as quiet as a whisper, and it takes Xavier a minute to figure out what I said.

"You don't know? Braelyn, what do you want from me? You can't keep playing these games. One minute we're fighting, and then, the next, you want me to forgive you. You either want me in your life or you don't, and the only way I want to be in your life is if I can be your life. I love you, Braelyn. Can't you see it? It's me or him."

"Don't give me an ultimatum, Xavier," I whisper, "Please." I meet his eyes, and I freeze. He's about two inches away from me, and I never heard him move.

I swallow, staring into his brown eyes. There is where I see it. I see the love if it is even possible. He loves me, and it's easy to tell. Xavier places his non broken hand on my cheek. "Make a choice, Braelyn."

Can I make a choice? I don't even know what I feel for Xavier, but all I know is that I can't imagine a life without him in it. It's the same way with Ridge. I'm happy with him, but it hurts so much not to have Xavier in my life.

Xavier leans forward until we're just centimeters apart, and his lips part. Shockingly, my do as well. Then, when I close my eyes, leaning in as well, he whispers, "Time's up."

He pulls away, and I find myself disappointed. There's a knock on the door, and it opens. A nurse, an older man, smiles. "Hello, Xavier. I just have your discharge papers. You're free to go," he says, handing them to Xavier.

The nurse turns to me. "Is this your girlfriend?"

"No, she's my...cousin, and she was just leaving. Right, Braelyn?" Xavier asks.

Tears fill my eyes, and I force a smile. "Right," I say, "Hope you get better." Then, for the second time, I walk away.

I walk out the hospital doors and get into my car. Tears pour down my face as I yank my seatbelt on and start the car. My phone rings, but I don't answer it. Instead, I make my way home, balling my eyes out.

When I do get home, I ignore Nathan's questions and just run upstairs. I collapse onto my bed and cry myself asleep.

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