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The next day during my free period I went to library. Mrs. Dodson, the librarian, gave me a smile, and I noddded. I took a seat at the back tables and brought out my homework. That's when someone decided to join me.

I looked up and groaned when I saw it was Ridge. "I was hoping not to see you today," I said.

"Sorry. I had some business to attend to," He said.

"What's her name, or did you even ask?" I replied in a bored tone, focusing on number three.

Ridge laughed, "You make it seem like I'm a pig." I glanced up at him, raising an eyebrow. He grew serious. "That's what you intended, wasn't it?"

I nodded. "Yes, it is," I answered then focused back on my homework.

"Braelyn, I'm not a bad guy," he said.

"Could've fooled me."

"You sound so uninterested in this conversation."

I looked up at him and put on a sarcastic smile. "Nice observation skills, McCain! I didn't know you had it in you."

Ridge frowned. "You do know how to wound a man's ego, Braelyn."

"You know, maybe if I wound your ego enough, you'll disappear along with it. Oh, by the way, you are no where close to a man," I retorted.

He grinned. "You know, if you weren't so annoyed by me, I would think you liked me."

"You know, if you weren't such a pig, I might tolerate you," I shot back.

"Why are you so salty?"

"Why are you so annoying?"

Ridge held his hands up. "Touchè, Sawyer," he said. "Have ice cream with me."

I scoffed, "In your dreams."


"No, and if you don't mind, I have homework to attend to," I told him.

Ridge looked around the room. "Don't make me make a scene," he said, looking around the library.

I glared. "You wouldn't dare."

He smirked. "Try me."

I packed up my things. "Bye, McCain," I said, standing up.

That was when he got on hands and knees, clasping his hands together. "Braelyn, please! Pleasepleasepleaseplease!" he yelled, causing everyone to look at us.

Anger boiled in me as I turne red. I turned around and walked away, ignoring his fake pleas. "Mr. McCain, be quiet or get out!" Mrs. Dodson hissed as I leave.

I went to my locker and put in my combination. I opened my locker and placed everything except my book in it. When I closed it, I yelped because I saw Ridge. "Told you," He said.

"For goodness sake, will you leave me alone!" I yelled.

"No, not until you have ice cream with me," He replied.

I threw my hands up. "How many time do I have to tell you? No! The answer is no! N-O. Nope! Never in a million years, you filthy pig!"

Ridge smiled at my outburst. "I'm not going to give up," he said.

"You're impossible!" I exclaimed then stompwd off again. Only this time, he didn't follow. Instead, he stayed behind laughing.
I avoidws all my friends for the rest of the day. I even decided to walk home, and when I did get home, I just called Emma to tell her everything.

"He did what?" she asked in between laughs.

"Got on his knees and pleaded. He embarrassed me in front of the entire library!" I groaned, getting out a pint of ice cream.

"Is that why you avoided us?" she asked.

"I just wanted to be alone," I said, popping off the lid and grabbing a spoon.

Emma giggled, "Ridge seems adorable."

I made a face. "Ridge and adorable do not belong in the same sentence. Unless it's Ridge isn't adorable," I informed her, taking a spoonful of ice cream and stuffing it in my mouth.

"C'mon, Brae, at least give him a chance!" Emma exclaimed.

I shook my head. "Never in a million years. He's an annoying imbecile who I would bury alive in a heartbeat," I replied.

"But he's so cute an-"

"If you like him so much, why don't you date him?" I asked.

She laughes, "I love my boyfriend, okay?"

I rolles my eyes. "Gag me."

"Why are so anti-relationship?"

I ate another spoonful of ice cream. "Jared really opened my eyes to guys. All of them are jerks." The doorbell rang, and I groaned. "Hold on. That was the doorbell."

I placed my ice cream down then switched ears with my phone as I walkwd to the door. I opened it, and Ridge was on the other side. "How the heck do you know where I live?" I exclaimed.

"Cupcake, I'm Ridge McCain, and I know your brothers," he said.

"Who's there?" Emma asked.

I groand, "It's Ridge. I'll call you back, Em." I ended the call and looked at Ridge. "What do you want?"

"Ice cream like I said."

"I just met you two days ago, and I don't like you. Leave!" I said then slammed the door. Then, he decided to ring the doorbell a hundred times. I swung the door open. "Fine! After this, you will leave me alone, got it? And if you don't, I will get a restraining order!"

He grined. "Okay."

I let him in then walked into the kitchen to put my ice cream up. I made my way back into the living room and grabbed my purse. "Let's go, idiot."

"Aw, you're warming up to me!" he said as I locked the door.

"I will go back inside," I warned.

He groaned, "You're so salty, but I'll go wait in the car."

"And you're annoying!" I yelled, following him. I mentally strangled Ridge the entire way. He wwbt to open my car door. "I got it."

Ridge shrugged and walked over to his side. "You're so stubborn."

"You're a pig."

"You're a feisty one."

"You're a really big jerk."

He smiled and got into the car, and I did the same. I fastened my seatbelt, and Ridge looked over at me. "Want some music?" he asked.

"I just want you to drive the car, so I can get this over with," I said in a dangerous calm voice.

He fastened his seatbelt and waited. "Not until you say please."

"Ridge McCain, if you don't drive the car, I wi-"

"Okay, don't get your panties in a wad."

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