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The feeling of Braelyn's lips lingers on mine as I enter my house. "Xavier, is that you?" Mom asks.

"Yeah, it's me. I'm just going to take a shower," I say, heading upstairs. I grab some clean clothes then go to the bathroom. I turn the shower on then brush my teeth as the water heats up.

I rinse my mouth then strip out of my clothes, forcing back the tears. I should not be crying; boys don't cry, yet here I am with the tears making their way past my barrier, flowing down my face in a steady stream. I get into the shower, letting the hot water scald my back. I stick my face under the stream, making to where I can't tell if it's the water or tears running down my face.

The look on Braelyn's face when she pulled away etched its way into my head. It was a look of surprise mixed with horror. She regretted it, but I didn't. I wanted that kiss to last; it was the best kiss I'd ever had.

When our lips met, it was like someone had lit them on fire. The sparks I felt were overwhelming, and I knew she felt them, too. She had to because she didn't pull away right away like I thought she would.

I violently shake my head, trying to rid the thoughts. I scrub my head, my body, and got out. After I get dressed, I clean up my mess then retreat to my room. Standing in the middle of my room, I clench and clench my fists then finally just let loose.

I knock everything off my dresser, my nightstand, and my bookcase. I start yelling, grabbing at my hair, and that's when the door opens. I turn around, and I find my mother. She looks around my room then at me, a look of horror etched across her face. "Xavier, what in the world is wrong?" she asks.

I open my mouth to speak, but not a thing comes out. Then, I just sit down on my bed and place my face in my hands, sobbing. The bed sinks next to me, and my mother wraps her arms around me. "Oh, honey, it's okay. It's okay."

For once, I don't believe her.
Later that night the doorbell rings, but I don't go downstairs to answer it. I lay in my bed, staring at the ceiling. A few moments later there's a knock on my door. "What?" I ask, turning toward the door.

It opens, and Marcus steps in. He looks around the room with his eyebrows furrowed. "What on earth happened in here? Did we have an earthquake?" he asks, looking at me.

I look away. "What do you want, Marcus?" I ask tiredly.

"To check on you. Your mom called, telling me you trashed your room. Xavier, you scared her," Marcus says, shutting the door behind him.

I shrug. "I didn't mean to scare her," I reply, looking at him.

"She knows that. What exactly happened this morning?"

"I'm sure Braelyn told you."

He sits down on my beanbag chair. "She did, but I want to hear it from you."

"We kissed, she ran out of the room, and I left. End of story," I say.

Marcus nods. "Was it that bad?" He jokes. I glare at him, and he holds his hands up in surrender. "I'm just trying to lighten the mood."

I sit up, shaking my head. "Well, you're not."

Marcus smiles. "Well, I know what might."

I stand up and walk toward the window. "And what's that?" I ask sarcastically, crossing my arms.

"I found out some pretty big news today that might make you jump with happiness."

I turn to look at him, giving him a flat look. "Yeah, I highly doubt that."

He stands up. "Okay, I guess you don't want to know then. I'll see you la-"

"Just tell me."

Marcus grins, holding his arms open. "Braelyn loves you," he says.

I freeze, staring at Marcus. Did I hear him right? Braelyn loves me? No, he had to have said something different. "Come again?" I ask, stepping closer to him.

His grin breaks out into a full blown smile. "You heard me," He says.

"I'm not sure I did."

"Braelyn. Loves. You," Marcus says slowly.

I narrow my eyes, stepping even closer. "Marcus, if you're messing with me-"

"I'm not."

I turn around, running a hand through my hair. "You swear?" I ask.

Marcus rolls his eyes. "I swear. Gosh, I'm glad you have faith in me," He says sarcastically.

"She loves me," I say quietly to myself, running a hand through my hair again and looking at the floor.

Marcus laughs, "Yes."

I smile, looking back at Marcus. "She loves me. Braelyn actually loves me."

"Yes, but you still need to give her time. She still processing her new found feelings," Marcus says.
I nod. "Yeah, yeah. I will."

He pats my shoulder. "Well, my job is done. Don't tell her I told you. I got to get going," he says walking toward my door. He opens it then turns his head toward me. "Oh, and clean your room."

I laugh as he leaves then sit down on my bed, taking out my sketch book. I flip through the pages then an idea dawns on me. I start to sketch it as it plays through my head, and in about ten minutes, it's finished.

I know exactly what to do to actually make Braelyn realize I'm perfect for her and how special she is to me. I carefully tear the page out and pin it to my board on my wall. Then, I get to work on how I am going to do it.

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