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I grabbed my lunch then made my way to the courtyard. I took my usual seat underneath the big tree-it's the only place that wasn't crowded at lunch time. I waited patiently for Emma, Marcus, and Xavier to come since I was always the first one out here.

I pulled out a book and turned to where I left off. I began reading while picking up my piece of pizza. "Hey, nerd!" Marcus exclaimed, plopping down beside me.

"Ugh, I just started reading!" I said, looking up at Emma and Marcus.

"Aww, poor baby," Emma pouted.

I sighed, and I closed my book. "I'm at a really good part, too!" I replied.

Emma rolled her eyes then looked ahead. That's when her eyes bugged out. "Why is Ridge McCain walking over here?"

"Who's walking over here?" Xavier asked, sitting beside me.

"Ridge McCain," Emma said.

I rolled my eyes and ran my hand through my hair. "Ridge McCain doesn't even know we exist, so why would he walk over here?" I asked, looking up when no one answers me. Right then, a pair of lips crashed onto mine.

Then, a second later they were gone, and the owner just so happened to be Ridge McCain. He grined then walked away. I stood  up without a second thought and walked up behind him. "Uh, excuse me?" I said.

He turned around, and I slapped him as hard as I can. "Don't you ever do that again!" I yelled.

Ridge's emerald green eyes flickered with anger then...amusement? He grined. "Well, aren't you a small fire ball?"

I glared and crossed my arms. "I think you owe me an apology," I said.

"Cupcake, I don't owe you anything," he said.

"What did you just call me? Cupcake? Listen here, idiot, my name's Braelyn, and you do owe me an apology. You don't just go up to girls and kiss them," I scowled.

"First of all, I'm on Honor Roll, so I'm not an idiot. Second, I can kiss whoever I want," Ridge shot back, crossing his arms.

"Well, I bet your ego is higher than your IQ, and I don't want your STD lips all over mine. We all know you've been with more girls than the Cookie Monster has eaten cookies, so no, you can't kiss whoever you want," I retorted.

"Well, I kissed you, didn't I?"

"Well, I slapped you, didn't I?"

Everyone was watching us, and I suddenly felt small. I never liked large crowds, but now was not the time to get all cowardly. Ridge raised his eyebrows. "I'll see you later, Cupcake," he said then walked away.

"Don't call me that!" I yelled after him. The bell rang, and I walked over to my friends, who were laughing so hard that they were on the verge of tears. All except Xavier. He had his eyes on Ridge.

I grabbed my stuff. "That wasn't funny," I said.

"That was hilarious," Emma replied, standing up.

"Was not," I said then made my way to fourth period.
"C'mon! You've been avoiding it the entire day!" Emma groaned.

"Have not!" I said, getting into her car.

Emma got in, too, and she looked at me. "You were kissed by the hottest guy in school, and you keep changing the subject when I bring it up!"

"Maybe because I don't want to be reminded of it! I could have herpes now!" I replied, fastening my seatbelt.

Emma fastened her seatbelt. "You're being over dramatic, Braelyn," she commented.

"Am not! He's been with eighty percent of the girls at our school."

"Yeah, but he's hot!" Emma replied, pulling out of the parking lot.

I groaned, "I just want to forget about it."

Emma shook her head. "No way. Especially after the way you slapped him! Man, I heard that from where I was."

"I'm shocked his face didn't get a red handprint," I said.

"Maybe he works out his face."

"How is that even possible?"

"I don't know, but I plan on asking him," Emma replied.

I rolled my eyes, and the car fell silent. That was until Emma fliped on the radio, and "Stacey's Mom" was playing. I smiled and began to sing along until we got to my house.

"Bye," I said then got out, purposely slamming the door.

"Hey, don't hurt Lois like that!" Emma called. I turned and waved before walking up the porch steps.

I opened the door, and I was greeted by Nathan and Nick. I shut the door behind me, and I raised my eyebrows. "Um, what?" I asked.

"We heard about what happened during fourth lunch," Nick said, crossing his arms.

"So?" I asked, making my way past them.

"Why would you do something so stupid?" Nathan exclaimed.

I looked at him. "I don't know. Maybe because he kissed me without permission," I replied.

"Could you be any stupider? It was just a dare!" Nathan exclaimed.

"First of all, that's not even a word, idiot. Second, I don't give a crap!" I exclaimed.

My brothers rolled their eyes. "You're impossible! No wonder you're not popular!" Nathan replied.

"I don't want to be popular, idiot!" I hissed then stomped off to my room. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed Emma's number.

"I seriously just left your house," she said when she picks up.

"Wanna sleep over tonight?" I asked.

"Sure. Be there in an hour," Emma said.

I smiled. "Okay," I reply then hang up.
I was in the living room when I heard knocking at the front door. "I got it!" I called then ran to the door.

I frowned when I opened it. "Emma, I thought it would be just us," I poutes.

"You know you love us, too," Xavier said.

"Yeah," Marcus chimed in.

"Oh, gosh, are you all staying the night?" I heard Kyle ask.

I turned and lookwd at my brother. He clearly just got out of the shower because he was just wearing a towel. "Ew, go put on some pants!" I yellee.

"If you want," Emma piped up, earning a scoff from Marcus. She looked at him. "I'm just kidding, gosh. Why so serious?"

Kyle rolled his eyes and walked away, muttering under his breath. It sounded like, "Teenagers."

I looked back at my three friends and step aside. "Come on in," I said

"Sleepover!" Marcus and Xavier exclaimed in their impression of "girly girl cheerleaders" as they called it.

I put my hand on my forehead. "It's gonna be a long night," I sighed.

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