Chapter 9: Eidolons and Dream

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"You are right." Piper said.
"Eidolons come out." Piper charmspeaked.
Leo tried laughed the attempt off but the eidolon came out within Leo, Percy, and Jason.
"Get out of my boyfriend." You said firmly.
"No." The eidolon said.
"Get out of him." You said.
The eidolons smirked.
"Piper charmspeak them." You said.
"Get out of my friends and stay out of them you must swear on river styx and leave the ship and never possess anyone on this ship again." Piper charmspeaked.
Her charmspeak was strong really strong. The strongest it has ever been. She had a goal a goal to get the eidolons out of her boyfriend and her friends.
Eidolons leave. Leo fell to the floor.
"Frank you could of caught him!" You yelled and glared at Frank and Frank looked away. You ran to Leo.
"Are you okay?" You asked.
"I'm fine." Leo said.
"Thank the gods." You said and embraced him.
"I need to rest I'm not feeling to good." You said and left to your room.
You laid in bed and fell asleep.
You saw a goddess a pretty one.
"Who are you?" You asked.
"I'm Aphrodite." She said.
"The Greek goddess of love and beauty Piper's mom." You said.
"Yes." She said with a smile.
"I was originally suppose to claim you as my own to protect Hera but in the end it didn't go the way it was planned." Aphrodite said.
"Wow." You said.
"You have a quest ahead danger lies at it." She said.
"Your boyfriend Leo you two are the perfect couple it's adorable how well you two go together to bad about the quest getting in the way out it." Aphrodite said.
"Yeah it is." You said.
"Anyway I wanted to tell you something." Aphrodite said.
"What is it?" You asked.
"I'm going to bless you I'm going to give you a form of charmspeak but it's called possession it's the same as charmspeak but depended on the person it's either stronger or weaker and I'm going to give you a new outfit and your mom she said hi." Aphrodite said.
You smiled brightly. "Thank you so much." You said.
"Please tell my mom I said hi." You said.
"I will." Aphrodite said.
You woke up and you heard knocking.
"Come in." You said.
"Are you okay?" Leo asked. "You have been out for hours." Leo said.
"I'm fine I was just talking to Aphrodite." You said.
"What did she say?" Leo asked.
"Just how my quest I have trials and she was going to claim me to protect Hera and Aphrodite gave me a power." You said.
""What is it?" Leo asked.
"Possession." You said. "A form of charmspeak." You said.
"That's interesting." Leo said.
You smiled. "What day is it today?" You asked.
"The new day." Leo said.
You and Leo heard Coach Hedge yell.
"Oh no." You and Leo said.
You walked out.
"What happened?" You asked.
"Percy and Annabeth were caught in the stables." Frank said.
Leo smirked. Your eyes widened.
"Wow." You said.
"We should probably have another meeting." You said.

Percy Jackson: Hera's Mistake Leo Valdez x Reader (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now