Finding Nemo

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"I really hate school." I mumbled into the floor while I rolled,yes ROLLED to Narnia to find something to wear. I finally decided on a Bethany Mota sweater, skinny jeans, and a blue pair of combat boots.

I grabbed a granola bar from the counter and tossed one to my little brother as he came out of the hallway with his baseball cap on.
If your wondering where my parents are, well, my mom.....HAD cancer, she didn't make it. It okay,god gives the worst things to the ones he knows can handle them.
My dad is away on a business trip for the summer and left us with our grandmother for the time being.
My grandmother is......well.... Where is she?
I looked at the clock. 7:00 I read. Oooh that's right. She runs off to Narnia or wherever early in the morning so we never see her until 11:00.
I hurried Tommy out to my car and buckled him in. I'm 17, but where we live that's the legal age to drive.

15 minutes and an untied shoe later, I was at school. I scampered down the hall to my locker and did my best to unlock it with out thinking. Or crying. Because as soon as I walk in the building any conversation stop and just turns into whispered words {A/N alliteration !} of names behind my back
or in front or, well basically just everywhere.


"She wears way too much mascara."

"Jane, look at all that make up!"

"She's a try hard loser."

"I bet she was made on the side of the road, just like a mistake ."

"She always wears long sleeves, of course she cuts."

"Attention hog."

"Her back can be used for a slide, oh no wait , it's too long!"

"Angelica hated being her friend so much she killed herself."

Words. Words that were invading my thoughts. Words I could hear.

SLAM!!!! The locker opening and slamming shut next to me was enough to gain the attention of everyone in the halls.
"Oh look. It's little miss self-harmer."
Blake cooed." Why don't you follow in your "friend"s footsteps and kill yourself. Too bad she did it to get away from you, Anorexic Avery."
And that, is wear I lost it.
No, I didn't cry,yet.
I dropped my books, put the best face I could to make it look like I would cry, then when he did his signature smirk, I knew he was right where I wanted him. "Aww, is the little charity case crying?" He smirked. Ouch, that stung a bit. "Y-you don't know that.." I said trying harder than hard to keep up the act. He grabbed my forearms and slammed me against the lockers, my feet dangling just inches above the ground. "But I do." He breathed on to my face. His breath smelt like strawberry lip balm. Who had he been snogging with in the wee hours?
I then did something I never had be fore, I leaned in to where we were almost kissing, receiving a something between a gasp and a growl from his girlfriend who wears blueberry lip balm, wasn't her. I thought.
"Fuck you." I whispered on his lips.
I kneed him where the sun don't shine and punched his face. Jumping down I turned around to the now whole shocked student body.
"One, fuck ALL of you,two, I don't cut," I screamed whipping of my shirt,"three, Mikayla, little Blakey over here was recently snogging with someone who has strawberry lip balm, and I KNOW you don't, so go ahead an check his breath. Four, have a good fucking day ,assholes." I deadpanned turning on my heel and out the door, but not before hearing a low growl and the sound of somebody getting slapped. I smiled then it quickly faded as I realized I just threw my education and sweater out the metaphorical window. And now I'm going who knows where in a pink bra and skinny jeans. My Life.

I was shirtless, hungry, cold , and lost in an alley. *mental sigh* I was fixing to stand up, for I was sitting, when I heard a twig snap. Mg blood froze cold.Unlike a smart person, my immediate thought was:
*Where and how do you find a twig in a alley on a street and manage to step on it?*
I could feel myself getting paler as loud heavy footsteps walking at a steady pace towards me. But the thing that almost made me pee my pants wasn't the fact that I wasn't wearing a shirt, there was more than one set of footsteps.


Hahahaha I left you on a metaphorical cliffhanger!!
Sucks for you!! But don't worry my little Vanilla Oreos, you won't be metaphorical hanging for long ;)

(To the world and all who live in it.)

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