Magical Appearing Oreos

17 2 5

Honestly, if the room wasn't so white, I don't think I would have noticed them.

They were barely there, all I could see was the faint outline and shimmer of darkish pink

butterfly-like wings. I almost didn't see the nurse walk in, right by the middle aged women, and right through her wings. I gaped at the winged lady but she just winked.

I got the strange, sinking feeling I was the only one who could see her.

"Well Mrs. Tuckins I-"

"Call me Avery."

"...Well Avery, all you have is a minor concussion and a few scrapes. Sign out at the front desk when you ready and you're good to go." The nurse said with a smile. "Okay. Thank you!" I yelled as she shut the door. I waited a few seconds then turned my head to the winged woman across the room. "Explain I demanded, crossing my arms and pulling out a vanilla Oreo from....wait, where the hell did I get a vanilla Oreo?!? Oh well.

The winged lady just gaped at me.

" it can't be..." She whispered under her breath, thinking I couldn't hear her.

I chewed on my vanilla Oreo while winged lady rambled on.

"Okay, so your mom was a fairy and you inherited that trait which is very unusual considering your father is human"- you see? Ramble .- "anyway, since you've just turned 17, your old enough for the transformation to start."

"What transformation?" I asked suspiciously. "The umm well..." Wing lady started looking angsty. (Is that a word?) "the transformation into a fairy." She said looking up.

A fairy.

I'm becoming a fairy.

What's her name?

"Oh, my name is Michelle." She answered. Did u speak out loud?

"No , it's my gift."

"Your what?"


"Yes I heard you. What do you mean 'gift'?"

Michelle sighed. "I'll tell you on the way, for now, let's get you out of here."

"Where are we going?"

"Lemuria. That's where all the fairies live... Or go. Now come on, I can't hide these things forever." She said, gesturing to her wings while helping me up and out the door.

I'm a fairy.

I'm going to Lemuria.

I still don't know where I got this vanilla Oreo.





Yeah so I haven't updated in a while..... Stuff happened. I broke up with my boyfriend.(lol , I don't have one of those! Forever alone......

Anyway, my friend deleted her story


And I have no reason for not updating besides procrastination.

So yeah.



(To the world and all who live in it )

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