Prologue + A/N

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Rainie is a 16 year old girl, sent to America to complete her last two years of high school, then wanting to start her future there. All alone, having to do everything for herself...
how will she cope with her life being flipped completely upside down? Along with dealing with her severe depression, anxiety and A.D.D...

~~~ A/N
Hey lovelies, I'm excited to start this book, I've had this planned out for weeks in my mind and decided hey it's time I actually write it and further develop my writing skills xoxo
Trigger warnings:
There will be mentions of self-harm and cutting within this story, if that triggers you or makes you uncomfortable I will have a "⚠️" warning sign at the beginning of chapters that mention such things.
So please don't read it if you are triggered by these things, safety first lovelies ❤️
About this book and myself:
This book I've decided to write, I have put off for a while for reasons that it's very important to me, and I want to write it well because of that reason.
Please if you have tips on improving writing skills I'd love to hear it xoxo helpful criticism is welcomed here.
This is a place of kindness and love so please do not hate, or hate on anyone else ❤️
This book although I haven't started writing yet is very important to me, please be kind.
If anyone of you lovelies are struggling with depression or simply having a bad day, do not hesitate to message me, I'm here to help, that is one of the purposes of this book. To create a safe place for people to openly share experiences and help each other. But if you do not want to comment it, if it's too personal my DM's are ALWAYS open to anyone who needs someone x I mean that with all my heart. There is no judgment here, only love ❤️❤️❤️
Or if you simply just want someone to chat to or makes friends that's fine too💕
So with all that said, I hope everyone enjoys this, I'll do my best to write my best work, as this will be my first non fanfic book on my Wattpad account.
~Hope 💕

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