Chapter Two - You're Drunk

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"Let's get one thing STRAIGHT. I am not." - CTTO

A/N yeyyy, you're baaaack T_T haha i was feeling inspired sooo here's the second chapter, and btw, from here on out, whenever I post an author's note at the beginning of the chapter, it'll mean that there'll be a SEXY TIME so you may skim on those parts, or not >v> cue wiggling of the brows. ;D mehehehe

LANY - It Was Love I think the song fits the scene on this chappy. hehe Tip: play the music on cue. mehehehehe :v hold your horses and carry on reading.

Alot of questions started to race in my mind. It felt like I was floating. Which was right from wrong? This is wrong. Was I sane? No, this is insane. Amongst the questions running through my head, one question was dominating all.


I forced myself out of my stupor when I heard someone gasping and a camera click. Shit. I sighed. I pushed Nathan away from me but, he wouldn't budge. His lips were on mine. So soft, so gentle. So- no, no, no, Adam don't! Snap out of it! I scolded myself. When I felt Nathan snake his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to deepen the kiss, I let my instincts kick in. I kicked him on the shin, causing him to stumble back in surprise and groan in pain.

"What the fuck was that for?" he shouted angrily.

I scoffed. The nerve of this prick. "I should be the one saying that!" I retorted. "You blockhead, who randomly kisses someone in the back of the library!" I hissed quietly, not wanting to draw a crowd around us. As if the person who took the picture earlier wasn't enough! "And on top of that, ME?! A GUY!! In case you haven't noticed."

I wasn't expecting him to apologize, and apologize he didn't. Instead, he grinned whilst sitting on the ground recovering, rubbing away the pain from his shin. "Oh, c'mon. You liked it." He said laboriously, then winked, bobbing his eyebrows up and down.

I felt my cheeks flush. Both from anger and embarrassment, though mostly from being angry. I think.

"No. I didn't!" Pfft. Soooo did. But of course, he didn't have to know that. I felt myself blush even more at the thought. Ugh. "AND, in case you forgot," I pointed a finger at hi then at me then back at him, "we shouldn't be talking. Much more, kissing!" I hissed, flailing my arms for emphasis.

I started towards the check-out counter when I stopped, looking over my shoulder at him. "Oh, and by the way," I said, "prepare to see your face on the internet."

He looked at me in confusion, but I was already by the counter and ready to leave, leaving him confused and dumbfounded. Ha! Now we're even. I rolled my eyes. I really have to get my shit together.

Once I checked out of the library, I quickly went to my locker to grab some things I need for homework and leave some things I won't be needing 'till after noon tomorrow. I was already by the main entrance, or exit in this case, when I heard Nathan running, more like limping in his case, towards me. "H-hey. Wait u- OW!" I heard him say. I took a deep breath and looked over my shoulder, rolling my eyes. He was, again, massaging the bruising on his shin. Pain evident on his face.

If it's not obvious yet, yes, I do like Nathan-fucking-Graham, star quarterback of our school, and probably the most handsome High Schooler there is. But, of course, no one has to know that. Not Nathan, not V, not Mrs. Johansen, and especially not my parents and sister. Though I think my sister knows I'm gay, but, she doesn't really let it show or try to get me out to my parents.

I was so caught up in my thoughts, that I didn't notice my phone ringing immediately. I checked to find V registered on the operator. I answered while walking out of the school building.

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