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" yes its time for lunch!" I said and left with the rest.


For lunch we went to a sushi place.

"omg this is sooooo good!!!" Lisa squealed shoving like 5 pieces of sushi in her mouth at once.

"miss Lisa chill please, you going to choke to death like that." I said to her.

"no  won't-*cough*" she said but then started choking.

"*sigh, I said said that you were going to choke." sad and went to grab her a cup of water but before I had the chance to I've her a cup Jungkook beat me to it. I could see the noticeable blush on lisa's cheek.

"awwww,  someone is getting shy, but seriously when will you guys just start dating already, I mean I see how you guys look at each other." I said teasing them.

"well- wait why are you talking about us, when will you start dating or are you already secretly dating? huh?" she said back.

" Honestly that question caught me off guard I don't know who I like or do I even like someone.  Then out of the blue I started thinking about Jimin and all the things he did to me. Wait why am I thinking about him- no wait y/n you can't like him right? no no no, you can't fall for him." I thought t my self.

then I saw someone waving their hand infant of my face and that brought me back to reality.

"h-huh" I said looking at Lisa blankly.

"um y/n you just spaced out are you ok?" Lisa said concerned.

"oh yeah I'm fine" I said turning back to my food.

"ok" Lisa said and went back to eating to.

Jimin pov.

"When Lisa asked her the question, somehow I got curious. Like I really want to know who she likes. Then I thought about her dating someone and then I got this weird feeling like I'm.... jealous? no I can't be jealous, I don't even like her or do I?,,,, no you don't, she's just a annoying girl that you are trying to get rid of, but then why am I feeling like this. UGH, what ever lets just ignore it and it will go away ."

your pov.

when looked at Jimin, he looked like he having a battle in his head or something. Like he kept scrunching up his nose and then he shakes his head or has mixed expressions. He's such weirdo.  whatever, I'm not going to think about him anymore.

After lunch the teacher let have a tour and just walk around Tokyo. So Lisa, Jennie and me decided to go shopping. Jungkook and Taehyung wanted to tag along because they want to spend time with there secret crush. I seriously don't get why ant they just date, they are such cute couples, I ship them. But they didn't let them come saying its a girls night. So they didn't come. 

We bought some clothes and just little girls things.  Then we saw a gift shop with bracelets and things. Since they wanted to buy a little present for their live ones we decided to go in and look around.

They ran around like little children looking at everything.

"omg this is so cuuuuuttttee!!!! this will be perfect for Jungkook. " Lisa said while I just stood there looking at them like they are aliens from another planet.

"I know right- omg this is so cute. tae will love this." Jennie squealed.

"wow Jennie you to?!! I thought you were calm!" I said annoyed.

"well get your self a boyfriend and then you'll know how we feel!" Jennie said.

"whatever" I said and then I thought about what she said "boyfriend". 

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