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Three years later.
Keith's POV.

"Kane! Come back here!" I heard you yell from the other room, I picked up my pillow and used it to cover my ears, groaning I kicked of the cover, swinging my legs over the side of the bed and stretched.

It had been three years since I found out Y/N was pregnant with kane, who is now three.

I walked out the room my feet hitting agsint the wooden floor boards, as they dragged slightly and made my way to a quiet room.

Y/N and I have two kids, Kane and Amelia who is 4 months old, I walked into Amelia's room, laying in her crib, her fingers in her mouth she made a burbling noise.

We decided after Kane was born that we would go to earth, obviously Y/N and the kids had to hide their wings when they weren't in our house.

That's why we lived in a pretty closed of area not jut because of my anti-socialness. (That's not even a word, but who cares)

Shiro and the others well there till in space, doing what they can, pidge or Katie for her brother and he's helping taking Y/N's and I's space.

Still we keep in contact somehow and if they needed help we would help.

Walking into the bathroom I saw Y/N trying to wash kane, only for the three year old to splash around and get her wet.

I chuckled trying to to be to loud and get hit, which let me say has happened before.

I grabbed Amilias nappies and walked out the room dreading what I'm about to do.

I sighed and held my breath, changing a child's nappie was no fun at all, I heard a splash and kane come running out the room naked.

I finished Amilias nappie and threw the old one in the bin, changed her Panama's into a red dress, a bow around the middle.

"Oh god finally" Y/N sighed her posture slouched, kane was in  simple dark blue trousers, a black button up top and some trainers on.

Kane had my purple eyes and Y/N's hair colour, apparently he looks like her dad in a way, don't know how but then again I've never seen Y/N's dad.

Amelia didn't have much hair right now but you could tell she had my hair and Y/N's eye colour.

Anyway back to explaining, we decided to keep the red and silver lion hidden in earth on the land we had brought when we had enough money, which wasn't hard to actually get.

Y/N was able to get a well paying job and I worked at the garrisons somehow even though I was kicked out, funny enough Y/N still doesn't know that slight but if information.

We were getting dressed up for actually visiting everyone in after about two years, no one actually new about amelia yet and hadn't seen kane in two years. So this is going to be a surprise.

"You go get ready and I will take care of the kids" I said to Y/N who nodded passing me a bottle of milk.

Holding Amelia in my arms I fed her, her tiny hands clutching into the bottle for dear life "we visitwing Space, daddy?" Kane said struggling with the word visting I nodded and he jumped around his tinted blue wings srpuding from his back without noticing.

I sighed, not even a minute later Amelia's small wings popped out her back as they were still growing they didn't have much of a colour and with a gurgle she flew out my arms and joined Kane.

It was about 8 in the morning way to early for this right now, getting up I gently grabbed Amelia and sat down, a wail escaped her lips in a cry.

Y/N popped into the room wearing some casual clothes in black and obviously her favourite colour.

"Go quickly we need to leave" passing Amelia to Y/N I ran our the room and got changed.

While getting changed I carried don't thinking about everything that had changed over the past couple of years or so.

Amara and Dante came down to earth with us and are probably waiting for us alrady, Amara was now 15, don't tell her but in her moody teenage stage, unless your Y/N that is.

Corran found a girl, somehow I don't know, I found the man completely" annoying, and crazy. Lance and hunk visits their family every now and then but having alien girlfriends that actually still have their planet and don't want to leave must be hard.

"Done! Let's go" I yelled grabbing Amelia's bag full of Naples and milk bottles, and her mouse blanked it would be complete hell if we forgot that.

Legging it out the house, Y/N flew easier with Amelia in her arms and Kane having a piggy back by me.

We ran into the middle of the forest and into a cave with the two lions in "red/Silver" Y/N and I mumbled making out way to our lions who's eyes lit up quickly and there mouths opening.

Amara was in silver and held her arms out for Amelia a exited look on her face as she cooed down at the baby.

Kane jumped into  red and date was standing there too, "alrughty then time to go"


It didn't really take long for us to get to the castle landing in every one was waiting for us, Y/N was now holding Amelia again and Kane jumped out and looked at everyone, naming everyone correctly from pictures.

"Look how big he's gotten!" Lance yelled at the little guy pulling him into a hug as he tried to get away.

Y/N laughed and nodded "yeah well you haven't met this one yet have you" Allura gasped and made her way to Amelia and held her.

"Another one!" She squeeled, Y/N laughed and nodded her head "yep and one more in the way" she said I awkwardly chcukled, I had no idea about this.

"Another one!" I yelled flinging my arms up into the air, Y/N nodded a smile on her face with a a "surprise' kind of look on her face.

" its your fault too Mr!" She yelled I sighed and laughers, pulling her into a kiss.

Thank you all for reading! If you liked this book mabye go cheak out my other two books!

Hope you all liked the ending ~ Bethany xx

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