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Friends? The Prince thought. What a joke.

Behind him, dusk painted the sky with various shades of pink, blue, orange, and red. The human neighborhood stretched out around him like a maze. With his enhanced hearing, the Prince could easily hear Rin in her bedroom, a few feet below, mumbling about laws Just like that, her words manifested in his head. 

'Don't you have any friends?'  she had asked.

A low growl emanated from his throat. The nerve of this human. To say something so preposterous. He was royalty. There was no need for friends. He had adoring subjects so, why would he need anything else? And yet, her voice was still there. Taunting him. 'You got to find friends that would willingly jump into a burning building after you.'

The Prince growled again. Why would he need to waste time other people? What did she know? It irked him the way she had said it like she was an expert. Come to think about it, why was he letting it bother him? He didn't care what she or anybody else thought. He was going to take over his father and finally rule the humans. His people would no longer have to hide and be treated like animals. They would be free to do what they wanted.

To top it all off, he agreed to protect Rin from those Purists. Worms. They were just filled with delusions of grandeur and purpose. Didn't they know that they would accomplish nothing? They mere specs of dust. But this had been part of his calculations, no? Draw out those anti-vampire groups, frame them for crimes, make society denounce them, and accept vampires as their rulers. Eventually, mankind would kneel before the might of his people.

He already had most of the population under his control. Well, there was still her. The oddball. She was still amusing but that well was running dry.

'The only reason you are royalty is because of your father. You didn't do anything to deserve it.'  

The Prince clenched his jaw. She was wrong. His people trusted him. They wanted him in power. His father was the one who was trying to change their nature, trying to domesticate them, but the Prince wouldn't let him. They were predators, not pets. He would show his father.

Gracefully, the Prince jumped off the roof and landed on the fence post with ease. There was no point in even thinking about Rin's words. She was a human. A mere pebble in the river of time. She would die and be swept away by the tide. He, on the other hand, would live on. There was no rush. She provided him with entertainment. Eventually, she, along with everyone that was left, would fall under his influence. Then, it would be the vampire's time to rule. The Prince would just have to make sure that his father wouldn't interfere. The old bat didn't have much time left anyway. The King was going to step down soon. It was just a matter of when.

In the meantime, the Prince was going to have fun. After all, the humans needed to be reminded that they weren't at the top of the food chain anymore.


A strange buzz echoed through my mind. In the semi-state of consciousness, I felt the vibration against my hand. I groaned wanting to go back to the faint dream lingering at the edge of my subconsciousness. The buzzing came again and this time, I lifted my head up. It was pitch black in my room. My eyelids were heavy and it was painful to keep them open. In the darkness, I reached for my phone. Someone was calling me. I turned it over and flinched at the bright light pierced my eyes. Tears bubbled to the surface. With one eye closed, I looked at the caller ID. Sonia.

Surprised, I answered the call. "Yeah?" I mumbled.

"Rin," she blurted out.

I winced. "Do you really have to be so loud?" I whined.

"Never mind that," she said. "Turn your TV on. Hurry!"

"Why?" I complained. "It's like 3am. Let me sleep."

"Rin Elizabeth Borek, do it!"

Groaning, I pushed myself up on my knees. My head spun. I didn't have a TV in my room.

"Alright," I mumbled. "Just hang on."

I dropped the phone no my bed and crawled out of bed. It took me a few minutes before I found my laptop. It took all of my strength to lift it up and place it on my bed. I opened it and hissed. Ugh, the light. I unlocked it with my password and opened up the browser. Moments later, I brought up the live stream of the local news station. My eyes bulged.

Speechless, I grabbed my phone. "Sonia," I began.

I couldn't believe was I was seeing. The headlines flashed across the screen. PRINCE ATTACKS HUMANS. TWO DEAD. SEVERAL INJURED.

My stomach dropped. I increased the volume on the video.

"As of 12 this morning, a car plunged through a club killing two humans and injury in more than twenty people. Many have been rushed to hospital."

A video popped was put on screen where a car sped through the light before crashing into the club on the other side of the street. Moments later, a figure walked out of the building. My stomach dropped. No, it couldn't be. But it was. That was the Prince.

"Did you see it?" Sonia asked.

"Yeah," I breathed. "That-that -"

This couldn't be possible. He - he couldn't . . . This wasn't. 

"No," I whispered. "He - he wouldn't -"

"Are you crazy?" Sonia asked. "How can you defend him?"

Even as she asked that, I couldn't answer. The Prince was arrogant sure but he didn't want to kill humans. He wanted to rule them. And yet, the video showed something else. Could this really be true?

The Vampire Prince goes to High School (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now