At the End

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A/N: I would like to thank everyone for the continued support. When I first started writing this story, I never thought so many people would read it. So, thank you.

In the thirty minutes since I'd asked the Prince to help me, he had said nothing. He had simply grabbed his cellphone and made a call. Or maybe it was a couple of calls. I couldn't really tell. I merely stayed on my bed, trying to eavesdrop, but I wasn't successful. Even though Carlos could be in danger, I tried to stay calm.

In the silence it was hard not to think about what might have happened. It was hard not to think about what the Prince had said about fake friends. I knew for a fact that Sonia was my friend. Her family was important to her. It made sense that she'd feel protective of her family.

And yet, she treats you like crap. The thought made my eyes sting. I quickly rubbed my eyes. I needed to stop being emotional. It wasn't like I couldn't call her out on it. I would talk to her about it when this blew over. Yeah, I could do that.

"Here," the Prince finally said.

His phone dropped down on the bed beside me. I tried not to jump but I wasn't successful. Nevertheless, I grabbed his phone. There were pictures on the screen. Pictures of Carlos.

Frowning, I thumbed through them one by one. There were six in total. Contrary to the images I had conjured up in my brain, Carlos was fine. All the pictures were time stamped, too.

Carlos was with his "friends". I didn't recognize the location. They must have switched bases, smart move. Then again, I guess they weren't very hidden if the Prince's people could find them.

"Happy now?"

I looked up at the Prince. I was speechless. What could I say to him? I had thought Carlos was in danger but that wasn't the case. Now that I think about it, I could have just called him or something. Sure that didn't guaranteed he was going to answer but he might have. I was so stupid.

"Thanks," I muttered.

The Prince snatched the cellphone from my hands. Before I realized it, I'd grabbed his arm. He looked at me strangely.

"Thank you," I repeated a little louder. "I know you think I'm stupid for doing this. I also know that you think I'm wasting my time. But either way, thanks for helping me. I don't know how to make it up to you."

The strange look was back.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked.

"You're a strange human," he suddenly said. "Why do you cling to them?"

I didn't know how to answer him. "You're strange too," I told him. "You helped me."

The Prince scoffed. "No," he said. "I didn't. The only thing I did was to acquire a minion."

I glared at him. "You were doing so well too," I told him. I sighed. "What's so bad about helping a human?"

"I'll be in touch," was all he said before leaving.

After the Prince's abrupt departure, for the longest time, I stared out into the distance. My brain wouldn't cooperate. What was I suppose to do now? Text Sonia. Talk to her? How was I suppose to start that?

"Rin," My mom called from downstairs. "Dinner is ready."

I could start with dinner first. Sighing, I picked up my phone and sent Sonia a message. Without waiting for her reply, I headed downstairs. If she wanted to talk to me, she could. I hadn't done anything to her and yet, she had said that. Maybe the Prince was right. Maybe she wasn't really my friend. Maybe she was never my friend to begin with. 

And yet, I couldn't bring myself to believe that. She was my friend. Sonia just happened to care about her family a bit more than others. There wasn't anything wrong with that . . . Maybe. 

"Hey, kiddo," Dad said from the kitchen. "Ready to eat?"

"Yeah," I answered. 

Mom had everything already set when I entered the kitchen. I took a seat at the table.

"Get any work done?" Mom asked.

"Not really," I answered honestly. "But I am going to do some after dinner."

"Just don't fall too behind."

"I won't," I assured her. "I still have tomorrow."

"That's enough about school work," Dad said. "Let's eat."

We didn't talk much during dinner. I helped clean up the kitchen before heading back upstairs. No surprises waited for me. Tiredly, I got ready for bed and turned the light off.

I didn't want to think anymore. Everything was so confusing. Sonia blamed me for Carlos not checking in with his family. The Prince thanked me for helping him and helped me in return. Not to mention that I offered him my blood.

"I'm so stupid," I muttered to myself.

* * *

The Vampire Prince leaned back against roof, his arms behind his head. His gaze was focused on the dark sky and the stars. So far, nothing had gone according to plan. At least he wasn't bored anymore that's for sure.

And Rin . . . Rin. She hadn't sworn her loyalty to him yet. And she had gone as far as to offer him her blood to help her. Why had he? It's all part of the plan, he told himself. She's not necessary for taking over my father and ruling over the humans. She's nothing more than . . . a game.

A part of him stirred uneasily. While it was true that this game had almost cost him the throne, the danger had passed. The Prince still hadn't figured out why his father had turned away from him. The Prince suspected blackmail. It was probably Violet. And yet, that didn't make sense either.

Something else was going on that the king didn't want to tell him. Well, one way or another he was going to figure it out. Plus, it shouldn't have mattered that he didn't tell anyone where he was that day. No one needed to know. It was his business.

"Please don't. Stop."

The Prince quickly sat up. He manifested inside Rin's room. The covers were tangled around her. Sweat covered her brow.

"Don't," she repeated.

The Prince sat besides her and took her head his hands hand. She twitched as she slept. Her arms flayed up but he caught them before she could hurt herself.

"You're having a bad dream," he told her. "Get a hold of yourself."

Rin's eyes snapped open. Their eyes met for a brief moment.

"Sleep," he commanded, and she went limp in his arms.

He watched her sleep peacefully now but there was a weight on his chest. It was a strange feeling.

"Who did this to you?" he whispered.

The Vampire Prince goes to High School (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now