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As I watched the headline flash across the bottom of the screen, numbness washed over me. My mind tried to make sense of what I was seeing and hearing but it just couldn't. It had to be a hoax, right? Alexander would never willingly let himself get arrested. So the question remained, how was Alexander behind bars?

Surprisingly calm, I headed upstairs to grab my phone. If this wasn't a joke and Alexander was really in jail, he would need a lawyer. Plus, Mr. Keys would also be able to tell me if the news was telling the truth or not.

Even before the second ring, Mr. Keys answered the phone. "Miss Borek," he said, "I was wondering when you were going to call."

"Is it true?" I blurted out. "Was Ale - the Prince arrested?"

Mr. Keys didn't say anything for a while. I had to make sure he was still on the line.

"It's true," he finally answered. "I'm actually trying to see him now."

My legs gave out from under me. My room started to spin.

"D-did he say anything?" I asked.

Calm down, I told myself. There has to be an explanation.

"I don't know the details myself," he admitted, "but everyone is here. The news, protest groups, cheering squads. They have me in a waiting room but you can hear everyone outside."

"Is there anything I can do?"

"I doubt it, Miss Borek."

I bit my lip. "Did he call you?" I asked.

"The Prince? No. He didn't."

"No offense, but why would you - ?"

"A buddy of mine gave me a heads up," he said. "Said a vampire was in jail and thought I might be able to help. I didn't realize which vampire it was until I got here."

"I see."

That had to count for something. But I knew Mr. Keys had his work cut out for him. Alexander was being accused of so many things and all the evidence was against him.

"Mr. Keys," I began before I could change my mind, "if you do get to see Ale - the Prince, can you ask him something for me?"

"I can't promise you anything, but what's your question?"

"Can you ask him - why did - I mean, did he turn himself in?"

"Does it matter?" he asked.

It did matter. Sure nothing would change but I need to know if he had done it willingly. 

"Please, can you ask him?"

My phone beeped cutting off his reply. "I have to go," I told him quickly. "My parents are calling me."

"Good-bye Miss Borek."

I took a look at my cell phone screen but it wasn't either of my parents. It was Micah. Anger and frustration welled up inside me. So he wanted to call me to gloat. Bastard. No. I wasn't going to let him gloat. I had a choice. He didn't control me. 

I ended the call and blocked the number. Maybe he would get another number to call from but it didn't matter. I didn't have to answer him. Micah didn't matter anymore. Alexander mattered more to me than him. And right now, I had to help him. 

Taking a deep breath, I dialed Carlos's number. I knew it was a long shot but he owed me big time. Plus, I was sure he wouldn't like the fact that a vampire was using him. All I had to do was prove it to him. Sure I had no way of doing that without telling him everything (and I really didn't want to do that) but I had to think of something.

"Hello?" Carlos answered.

"Hey, it's me, Rin," I said. "I need to talk to you."

I heard him sigh on the other end. "Rin, there's nothing to -"

"The only reason why the Prince is being framed is because of you," I said, interrupting. 

Okay sure, it wasn't my best moment but I didn't have time to beat around the bush. Carlos was going to face that he did something stupid and now he had to own up to it.

"I know you don't want to hear this," I continued, "and I'm sure you want to hang up but don't."

To my surprise, he didn't hang up. "What do you want, Rin? I'm not even supposed to be talking to you."

"If that was the case, your parents would have taken your phone away from you," I told him. I sighed. "Look, I know the Prince isn't a saint. He's done some things but we both know he didn't attack those people."

"You don't know that."

"Carlos, come on. You're not stupid. You know Pat was filming at the movie theater. There's has to be evidence that all those videos were fake."

"Why do you even care? He attacked you remember? Or have you forgotten? That vampire prince deserves everything that's happening to him."

I opened my mouth and closed it. I couldn't think of anything to say. My face burned and my heart was ready to burst out of my chest. 

"I haven't forgotten," I whispered. "I can never forget that but I also know that framing someone is the same as being a coward. If you really want to send someone to prison, do it the right way."

I swallowed thickly. This way such a terrible idea but there was no way I was going to let him think he was a good guy.

"Carlos, it's not too late to do the right -"

The call ended.

" - thing."

I knew my phone across the room. Dang, it. Guilt-tripping people into helping me was not my forte. What if I asked Sonia? Would she help me out? Would she even answer my call?  What if I testified against Pat and the others? The thought made my stomach churn. 

Even though that was probably my last resort, I hated feeling powerless. Would Mr. Keys be able to help Alexander? If he wasn't able to, did that mean Alexander would be imprisoned? Who else did I know that could help Alexander? Who was influential enough to-?


I guess there was someone that could help. It was a long shot but if it worked, it would be worth it. There was probably going to be someone sort of deal or agreement. Even if it was something ridiculous, it wouldn't be too much of a price to pay. After all, it was for Alexander's sake.

Coming to a decision, I stood and picked up my phone. It wasn't broken but there was dent in it. Well, I could think about that later. I called Mr. Keys but this time it rang for longer than I would have liked.

"Miss Borek," he said, answering. "I don't have much time."

"I know," I said quickly, " but listen. I have a plan."

"Miss Borek," he began impatiently. 

"I need you to get me an audience with the Vampire King," I blurted out. "Can you do it?"

I held my breath waiting for his reply. It was a long shot but the King had to still care about his son. If I could just talk to him, convince him that Alexander was being framed, he had to help. He had to. 

The Vampire Prince goes to High School (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now