Plan D

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I stared at the Prince for the longest time. There were so many emotions that I didn't know what to focus on, so I didn't. Instead, I turned on my heel and walked away. It was that easy and yet, I felt my throat close up. He only asked for help when it was convenient for him and I, for one, wasn't going to get mixed up with whatever he was into. The Prince had caused this mess. He needed to figure it out on his own. Besides, I had no power. I could barely even take care of my own problems let alone someone else's. 

"I command you -"

My feet stopped on their own. There was no anger. Not anymore. There was just tiredness. I sighed and turned around. 

"You have no control over me," I told him. "I'm not going to keep doing this. I'm not a toy. Go home. Ask your father for help. Talk to your lawyers. They'll think of something."

The Prince walked towards me and his face was expressionless. I swallowed thickly but I didn't move. I didn't drop my gaze. I just watched him approach. He stopped a few inches away. He really didn't know the definition of personal space.

"What's it going to cost me?" he asked in a low voice. "To get you to help."

I closed my eyes searching for inner strength. He really wanted me to hurt him. I still couldn't fathom where all of this was coming from? Why was he like this all of a sudden? This had to be a game. He wasn't worried at all. He wanted attention but he had to learn that his actions had consequences and father wasn't always going to be there to help him out . . . 

The realization hit me hard. He couldn't go to his father or lawyers because they weren't going to help him. The only person who could maybe help was me. I peered up at him. 

"The King doesn't want to help you," I stated. "You have no lawyers or anything. No wonder you're desperate."

He didn't respond. 

For some reason, that made my lip twitched. Was I really that happy? I bit my lip. Yeah, I was little happy. I thought I would never see the day when the Prince was caught off from his protective shields. This was a dream - 

"If you help me, I will nullify the contract."

My stomach dropped.  At that moment, it was hard to breathe. I took a step back. He really was desperate but -

"Don't screw with me," I forced out. "Don't say something you don't mean."

"Are you going to help me or not?"

I turned away from him and my gaze settled on the clock on the wall. Lunch period was going to end.

"N-not here," I muttered. "We - need to go . . ." I trailed off and started walking.

Could I really believe him? Was he telling the truth? What if he wasn't? What if this was all a joke to him? In a daze, I headed upstairs. Somehow I knew my fingertips were trailing against the wall and I could see the Prince at the edge of my vision trailing right beside me. His hands were in his pockets. A few minutes later, my feet came to a stop in front of a familiar door. I went inside and stopped. The desks were still piled to the back of the room with only two at its center. I heard the door close behind me.

He didn't say anything. 

Was this really it? Would I really be rid of him? "Can - I trust you?" I heard myself ask. "Are you telling me the truth? Or is this a joke?"

"This isn't a joke," the Prince told me.

"Would you tell if it was?" I asked.

"It's not a joke," he repeated.

The Vampire Prince goes to High School (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now